From Travel To AI: five leading dApp on the NEO blockchain


Ethereum could be the best known dApp platform, but it is far from the only place for smart contracts. The blockchain NEO is the home of an entire ecosystem of dApp, and is thriving.

The "Smart Economy" of the NEO debuted shortly after the public blockchain was renamed Antshares in August 2017. The Smart Economy concept combines digital resources, digital identity and smart contracts through a distributed network for public and private / corporate projects.

Community developer groups, for example City of Sion, NeoResearch, is NewEconoLabs – are providing technical support and development tools to create decentralized blockchain applications. In coordination with the main NEO developers, these groups have created lot of suite of tools reduce friction and bring new teams.

In addition, NEO Virtual Machine (NeoVM) offers support for multiple programming languages. Second NEO documentation, "Over 90% of developers can participate directly in developing a smart NEO contract without having to learn a new language."

Each of these companies has launched its initial coin offer (ICO) on NEO. In the meantime, their teams have developed their products on the MainNet as an integral part of the stack.

Bridge Protocol

The Bridge protocol offers Know Your Customer (KYC) and identifies the verification Services. Users provide their own personal identification information (PII) and Bridge creates a "Conformity Identity" this is related to a public address.

By collaborating with entities that require KYC verification, Bridge only shares the user information needed for compliance. To load the user information, the Bridge Chrome Extension has recently been released to the first users for user testing.

Bridge predicts that his project is particularly advantageous for "Jump from retail exchanges with ease" without the need to keep passwords for each portal.

The Bridge Protocol has concluded its ICO February 28, 2018and plans to release the browser to the public in the first quarter of 2019.


Travala (formerly known as Concierge) is a global online travel booking market that aims to be a reference point for all travel related services. Travala uses (AVA), a NEP-5 token, to purchase hotel rooms on its platform.

Since then, the team has created an online portal with access to 550,000 hotels and international hotel facilities. Through a row of new partnership, Travala has increased its offers to meet a first quarter 2019 share of 1.5 million properties.

Travala has concluded its ICO 25 April 2018and its beta platform should be launched in the first quarter of 2019.


Switcheo exchange it is a decentralized exchange (DEX) launched for the first time on the NEO blockchain. it since then it has expanded, becoming "The first non-custodian exchange to support both NEOC and Ethereum blockchains." Currently, DEX offers all NEP-5 tokens and more than 45 ERC-20 tokens.

With a DEX, users exchange directly from their cold wallet without centralized access. This does not seem to be a limiting factor for the Switcheo Exchange, which has since seen a peak trading volume of $ 3 million with over 25,000 traders since it was launched in March.

Looking ahead, Switcheo will focus its efforts on fiat-based integration, cross-chain exchanges and the addition of Qtum to its list of supported blockchains.

The ICO Switcheo concluded March 17, 2018 and the the exchange went live March 31, 2018.


Effect.AI aims to create a decentralized network for artificial intelligence services (AI). It will do so by creating a decentralized Turkish mechanical market (phase 1), a market for artificial intelligence services (phase 2) and a distributed computing platform for in-depth learning frameworks (phase 3).

Currently, Effect.AI is operating a decentralized version of Amazon's Mturk, dubbed Effect Force, which continues to recruit new workers with over 2,000 active users starting in November. At the start of this year, Effect.AI worked with Quadrant to provide the Singapore government with a workforce to manage image metadata for mapping purposes.

The Effect.AI ICO is terminated March 28th. In the immediate future, Effect.AI will pursue the expansion of users on its working product, Force Effect.


nós it's a virtual operating system that works like a web browser and wallet. It's a bit like the NEO version of Brave Browser or EOS & # 39; Lynx wallet, with an integrated NEP-5 portfolio, dApp explorer and a profile linked to the user's KYC settings. In the future it will incorporate a dApp gateway (in the wake of Google Play or Apple Store) and the Neon Exchange DEX on its platform.

In a press release accompanying the launch, nOS developers said they hoped to provide a "Safer and easier" way to access decentralized applications. Of the 140 dApp NEOs, about 60 they are now connected to the blockchain via the nOS platform API.

At the time of its ICO, which ended on November 8, nOS already had a working product nOS Client v0.4.6. In the future, nOS users can expect the development of the dApp gateway and the release of the nOS v1.0 client.

The author is invested in NEO, Switcheo and Ethereum.

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