from artificial intelligence to open source software


IBM has just launched its SkillsBuild Reignite platform in Spain, a portal that offers free training to professionals, small business owners and entrepreneurs. For its inauguration counts 400 training activities online focused on different disciplines.

In addition to the courses, there are also virtual events that allow the professional users connect to connect with IBM experts on issues related to business development.

There are courses available in English, French, German and Spanish. To access the platform you must do it through a Google, LinkedIn or IBMMid account, for users who are already registered to other services of this company.

The free courses offered by SkillsBuild Reignite fall into categories such as Artificial intelligence, cyber security, analytics and big data, finance management of a company, Internet of Things, open source software, Quantum Computing or management of a company with digital tools.

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In addition there are also courses aimed at the well-being of the professional. For example, IBM offers “resilience to work” content, with courses such as “being resilient in times of change” or building resilience as a remedy for stress. There is also the content of “Mindfulness”, with, for the moment, a couple of courses designed for the professional user to learn some tricks to combat stress and anxiety.

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For professionals looking for work, IBM SkillsBuild Reignite has information send job applications to companies through different platforms in the most effective way or to design a curriculum vitae. There is also content to know how to prepare for job interviews.

This program joins the IBM training offer available in Spain as the Open P-TECH educational platform, aimed at students and teachers, or its previous SkillsBuild program, aimed at job seekers who can access content through non-profit organizations.

The courses are, for the most part, very short. There are minute video (It can be 10 minutes and there is even an hour or two) and there are others who are learning online with texts to read for the professional user, on the chosen topic. There are also e-learning training courses that can last several hours and offered by experienced industrial partners of online learning such as The Open University.

The platform offers, on the left of the site, a search engine where users can indicate their interests in terms of topics, languages ​​or personal profiles to find the courses that best suit your needs.

Also, another of the options available on the SkillsBuild Reignite website is to access a mentor through of the program Sponsor a StartUp in which IBM experts are available to businessmen or entrepreneurs and promise to accompany them in any doubts that may arise when they want to develop new business ideas.

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