Foreign interference in the Middle East and its repercussions Arabs, Turkey, Iran, Israel – Muhammad Abd al-Shafi ‘Issa


Posted on: Tuesday 22 September 2020-21: 40 | Last updated: Wednesday 23 September 2020 – 11:31 am

In accordance with the above in the first part of this composed article, and in dealing with part of the conversation about the term “Middle East”, we have noticed that the various colorations of the term mainly target (squeeze) Israel in a group of countries entering the historical-civilizing circle of the Arab nation. Above all and the Islamic world in general, and therefore to dilute the identity in the current two. Ultimately, they sought to pave the way for the stabilization of the pillars of the Zionist project and thus to share the wealth of the region between “great imperialism” and “lesser imperialism”.
Promises to start, we point out that the world’s attention was turned to the Arab region after the October 1973 military and oil war, which led to the declaration of the Arab countries (members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) the October 15, 1973 banning completely, but in multiple batches, the export of oil to ten countries that participated in support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war (led by the United States of America, then the Netherlands) and an embargo partial on six other countries; In addition to the announcement, on November 5, of a 25% reduction in oil production and an increase in the price of a barrel of oil, which subsequently increased fourfold, from three dollars to twelve dollars (the beginning of what has been called the “first oil boom”). At the same time, huge financial surpluses, called oil dollars, were created. If Western countries and the United States have learned their lesson, then this one, led by Secretary Kissinger, has called for the formation of the International Energy Agency to reduce the dependence on Western imports on Arab oil, on the one hand, by increasing the use of fossil energy alternatives and increasing domestic oil and gas production (albeit from shale oil) later). On the other hand: changing the “rules of the game” in the international energy market and changing the equilibrium formula between the forces of supply and the forces of demand, and between producers and consumers on a global level, to then create subsequent price shocks that they absorb previous price hikes, especially in the mid-1970s and early 1980s. As far as financial surpluses are concerned, European financial markets, bond markets and US Treasury bills have been concerned with absorbing the accumulated financial surplus of “petrodollars” in what has been called “money laundering”. Note that the total value of Gulf financial wealth invested in US bonds is currently close to $ 1 trillion (plus $ 2 trillion from China …!). The remaining financial resources for the sale of oil are absorbed through arms deals and investment returns for Western and American companies in the markets of the Levant, Gulf and Maghreb countries. All of this has prevented the flow of foreign investment in adequate quantity and quality, allowing any eligible Arab country (such as Egypt) to transform itself into a new industrial country par excellence, while still enjoying the advantage of the upcoming strategic balance.
This, and (the stick for those who disobey), as an old saying goes, but it is a stick without a “carrot”, contrary to the usual. This is what is taking place in the context of the waves of normalization and their attempts, from the late 1970s to the present.
This Arab region, therefore, our region, is afflicted by the blessing of oil, which has weighed it down and has fallen prey to those who are ruthless and do not allow mercy to descend from the Lord if you will. As if it were a blessing that has turned into an unbearable curse!
This, then, is the Arab model, during the last half century, which highlights the overwhelming impact of the external factor, which could not have exerted its influence, had it not found on the other side a favorable context for weaknesses. structural of macrosystems or so-called socio-economic formations, and the weakness and fragmentation of political and cultural elites under unbearable pressures for the last five centuries or so, at least.
This is perhaps what the Algerian Arab thinker called the term “colonialism”, which were it not for the structural weaknesses it generated, after the end of the era of prosperity for the Arab-Islamic civilization with its historical dimensions and global. Otherwise, Western foreign colonialism would not have existed among us. Long aeon.
This is the Arab model that faced restrictions and siege, but rather aggression in case of strong resistance to the destructive impact of the American-West, as it happened in the face of the Egyptian-Arab revolution nasserita to the limits of aggression armed with an Israeli instrument on June 5, 1967.
… and is no longer removed in the arch after the place has shrunk into this limited space; It remains to report the other corresponding models. The first, in terms of mental association, is the Israeli model, which represents a state of subordination that merges with influential external forces, which is at odds with the Arab national and national reality. This is the Israeli mini-imperialism that takes refuge and (serves) the American “great imperialism” to exercise with it, through it, the sharing of Arab wealth, energy and financial, while continuing the expansion and digestion of the Palestinian homeland occupied and considering what remains of Without it, the Arab land is itself subject to occupation and domination in any case.
There is the Turkish model after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, and then the official recognition of that in the Treaty of Lausanne signed in 1923 between the victorious countries of the First World War and Turkey. There was a quid pro quo according to which Turkey would (Europeanized) under the Western model of modernization, and cut Turkey away from its historical membership in the circle of Islamic civilization, in exchange for granting military protection (under the “Atlantic Pact” after the Second World War) and opening the doors to foreign investments, both American and European. In the framework of protecting the security of the western Atlantic and the barrier of foreign investment, it provides Turkey with a relatively favorable climate to achieve a high level of economic development.It has achieved in the period of the domination of the Islamic political trend since 2002 and the rise of the new entrepreneurial elite, on the borders of the newly industrialized country. This is what threatens to weaken in the recent period under the weight of the trend of external adventurism and “political unity” at home and its possible consequences which are economically, politically and socially insecure.
Finally, there is the “Iranian model” that was carried over after the Great Iranian Revolution of 1979 from the time of the “Shahnashah”, which is closely linked to the West and the United States and the close link with Israel, to turn to the opposite, where the attempt to build a “zone of influence” at the regional level in the face of large and small imperialisms. While working to build a series of alliances of a narrow nature in different parts of the Arab region, facing the resistance of several Arab countries in the Gulf region in particular, with all the slips, obstacles and heavy mistakes that this Iranian attempt is experiencing . This attempt addresses a strong aggressive trend on the part of the United States and Israel, which has gone so far as to practice (suffocation siege) and even threaten military aggression under the pretext of not allowing Iran to transform itself into a nuclear power.
These are therefore the four models prevailing in the so-called Middle East, where the economy has always followed political lines. Thus, Israel is in turmoil and Turkey oscillates between recovery and weakness, Iran is strangled and the Arab world is prevented from economic progress by contemporary international standards for a while.
Where are we going? This is what we will try to explore in a place not far away.

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