
This morning, the third largest cryptocurrency in the world by total market capitalization (ETH) was able to overcome Bitcoin Cash in terms of overall values. To be even more specific, a few hours back, Ethereum was trading for around $ 85 while Bitcoin Cash was being sold for just over $ 80.
More on The Matter
Since the conclusion of the recent BCH hard-fork (which was the birthplace of BCH ABC and BCH SV), the price of Bitcoin Cash was found to have fallen below the $ 100 mark for the first time in its young history. In addition, the hash war triggered by the recent split has been blamed on the ongoing crypto-bear market, with many analysts even saying that Bitcoin could fall below $ 3,000 in the coming days.
If this were not bad enough, it was also revealed that the people behind Bitcoin Cash are now facing a lawsuit filed by the United States Corporation, a blockchain technology company, which claims that the recent fork was essentially a "hostile takeover of bitcoins in Roger Ver and his team". Not only that, the lawsuit also claims that with Bitcoin.com take control of BCH, the company now has unlimited power to make decisions regarding future currency updates and implementations.
Final take
Over the last few months, there have been ongoing allegations that the Bitcoin Cash network is slowly becoming more centralized. For example, recently a pseudonym developer working for BCH came out and accused his team of "centralizing the Bitcoin Cash blockchain" by altering its authorization protocols.
That said, it remains to be seen how the financial future of Ether and Bitcoin Cash will develop from here to the end.
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