Foldable iPhone rumored to be handed over to Foxconn for 100,000 folding tests – Hong Kong won’t


Immediately after the launch of the iPhone 12, it was rumored that Apple would launch another foldable iPhone. According to reports, after the iPhone 12 joined the 5G ranks, Apple plans to launch a foldable iPhone and sent samples to Foxconn for testing, which is expected to launch in 2022.

According to foreign media sources in the industry chain, Apple plans to launch a foldable iPhone, but currently, samples have been sent to Foxconn and other suppliers for more than 100,000 folding tests. According to the aforementioned news, Apple is currently conducting durability tests on key screen parts and foldable parts. However, the news indicates that this foldable iPhone will not launch in the short term and is expected to officially launch in September 2022.

Foldable cell phones have high demands on the durability of the shaft or hinge. Notebook computers typically need to be opened and closed 20,000 to 30,000 times. However, mobile phones are used more frequently in daily life, so Apple also requires folding tests. So it has increased to more than 100,000 times.

It is reported that the screen of this foldable iPhone will be provided by Samsung, which is consistent with the rumors that Samsung will provide the screen for the future iPhone. The test at this stage also involves screen technology: the use of an OLED or micro-LED screen will determine the subsequent assembly method of the whole machine. But I believe the relevant news will still be confirmed by Apple’s official release.

Source: CnBeta

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