[Finance and Business World]Chinese companies in the bond market with serial delinquencies lose money in the US circle – Epoch Times


  1. [Finanza e mondo degli affari]Chinese companies in the bond market with consecutive defaults lose money in the US circleEpoch Times
  2. [Commento Sankei]Zombie state-owned enterprises become a hidden danger, human currency credit is testedon.cc East Net
  3. Chinese state corporate bond defaults explode in a number of investigated domestic banksHong Kong 01
  4. Chinese corporate bonds explode | The deferred interest payment on HNA’s debt predicts that China’s debt will decrease by 10% compared to the issue price, which fell by nearly 40%.Hong Kong Apple Daily
  5. Bond defaults increase the investigation of many brokerage firms in mainland ChinaEpoch Times
  6. View the full report on Google News
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