Experts expect important contributions from the mission


Chang’e 5, China’s heaviest and largest lunar probe. [PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY]

Space experts and educators from around the world are closely following the Chang’e 5 mission and are optimistic that it can achieve its goals.

Professor Martin Sweeting, a member of the Royal Society of the United Kingdom and a distinguished professor of space engineering at the University of Surrey, said the international scientific community looks forward to the mission and the first collection of lunar samples since 1976.

He said that following China’s extremely successful Chang’e 4 mission to the far side of the moon, the lunar samples collected by Chang’e 5 will make “further important contributions” to global knowledge of the composition of previously unexplored near-side regions.

“This mission is particularly relevant considering the renewed interest in the moon following the discovery of water trapped in cold places on the surface and intense international preparations for the return of humans to the moon,” Sweeting said. “China’s contribution to this international effort will be very important, much appreciated and much appreciated.”

Bonnie Thurber of the Spac-Edge Academy, an educational program of the National Space Society of the United States, said, “I am very excited about Chang’e 5. I hope everything goes as planned. It is very important to me that all space scientists they share and rely on information, because the more we know about the moon and space, the sooner we will be able to create outposts and move forward. I am very confident that China will share the information it collects with the rest of the world in space science programs so that we can all grow from this mission “.

Alan Gould, emeritus director of the Lawrence Hall of Science Planetarium at the University of California, Berkeley, said the mission should make a significant contribution to long-term lunar research goals.

Gould said that while Chang’e 5 will collect younger surface samples than those reported last century by the Apollo missions, he expects to see progress in understanding the composition of lunar materials.

“Even more exciting is the long-term goal of establishing an international lunar research station,” he said, adding that he wished the Chang’e 5 team good luck.

He also expressed hope for greater cooperation between the United States and China in space exploration.

Steve Durst, founding director of the International Lunar Observatory Association, a non-profit organization in Hawaii, described the Chang’e 5 mission as “historic, groundbreaking and pioneering.”

“The International Lunar Observatory Association has always regarded Chang’e 5 as the decisive passage mission to enable engagement and preparation for Chinese astronauts to travel and land on the moon,” Durst said.

He said the opportunities and advances from China’s lunar exploration program have been enormous for science, technology, education and business. International collaboration on the basis of equality and mutual benefit will also be encouraged, as well as peaceful and productive uses of the moon for all humanity.

“I hope the groundbreaking Chang’e 5 mission brings and advances a more important result than the US Apollo moon landings, as inscribed on the plaque Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin placed on the moon:” We have come in peace to all of humanity “.”

Oded Ben-Horin, associate professor at the Western Norwegian University of Applied Sciences in Bergen, Norway, said that in addition to scientific and technological achievements, Chang’e 5 will also serve as an inspiration for creative education. He hopes that educators around the world will study the mission results and share them with students.

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