Ethereum's latest update: Ether's bug reported hacking an avenue to abuse trade – ETH News Today


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According to reports, the problem of Ethereum errors has given hackers the means to abuse the exchange of digital resources. The report states that an Ether-based GasToken bug (which made it easier for hackers to attack cryptographic exchanges) has been corrected. There is a lot we need to understand about this situation.

Reportedly, the bug made it much easier for hackers to force cryptographic exchanges to pay high taxes, although at the time of writing this publication it was unclear which exchanges were affected or which platforms lacked the means of security to prevent problem expanded. Hackers could exploit the mistake to make profits.

The problem was discovered by some clever cryptocurrencies researchers, which eventually issued private messages for "digital exchanges as quickly as possible" in an attempt to warn them of the problem. The platforms that received the message subsequently implemented the relevant security measures to counter the bug and put an end to the threat of hackers.

A request to wake up the exchanges to implement more stringent security measures

Many exchanges, according to the researchers, were not effectively implementing the appropriate limits on the use of GasToken. They overlooked the problem of how many tokens should be sent to multiple random addresses. Therefore, once the transaction was completed, the hackers had the opportunity to force the exchanges concerned to pay astronomical sums for the calculation in progress before emptying the trading reserves. Hackers could beat new GasToken (the coinage involves the creation of new coins for profit).

Hackers have also been given the opportunity to impose heavy charges on users who engage in commercial activities using random accounts. However, on a positive note, it must be said that not all cryptographic exchanges have become vulnerable because of the bug. The reason for this is because only trades that are implementing transactions based on Ethereum have been victims. The problem has made these vulnerable.

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Only a few exchanges could be affected

The number of exchanges involved was ultimately reduced to the networks that initiated those transactions. The exchanges that processed them were not influenced. Thus, it is sure that a limited number of cryptographic platforms may have been affected. Decentralized exchanges and platforms that have used smart contracts to process their money transfers from users can not be attacked by hackers.

The bug was discovered by researchers in late October. After this event, the researchers informed all the exchanges that could be interested, advising them to facilitate only "reasonable gas limits for each transaction" in an attempt to defend themselves from a security threat. At the time of the press, exchanges have all implemented the necessary defenses, ultimately making the problem null.

This case is familiar

It is essential to indicate that this is not the first time that Ethereum has paved the way for harmful activities. We can remember that at the beginning of the year; search agents found a vulnerability in Coinbase. This vulnerability allowed platform users to reward themselves with unlimited tokens. Furthermore, another familiar case was when a defect in the Monero Wallet system (XMR) allowed token users to steal XMR coins from digital asset exchanges.

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