Ethereum Vs Cardano – Which is better?


Of& nbspKapil Gauhar

So you've heard of Ethereum and Cardano, but are not sure how they work? Or maybe you're trying to find out which one of them has the best technology?

In any case, I have everything covered in this guide Ethereum vs Cardano!

Let's start with Ethereum!

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The basics

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum is a blockchain platform developed by Vitalik Buterin in 2015. This was the first project to help the development of smart contracts.

In addition, Ethereum allows its users to send and receive coins and has its own native Ether (ETH) digital currency.

The Ethereum network is decentralized, which means that it is controlled by a single entity, each transaction is verified by the community.

What is Cardano?

Similar to the Ethereum project, Cardano blockchain uses smart contract technology. Developed by Charles Hoskinson in 2015, Cardano was developed as a better version of the Ethereum blockchain.

Where Ethereum is a second-generation blockchain, Cardano defines itself as a third-generation blockchain because it has its own cryptocurrency called the ADA coin and a function similar to the ETH.

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The differences

Both platforms have been designed to be used for the development of dApp and for the implementation of smart contracts.

However, in addition to these two similarities, the two blockchains present significant differences. Discutiamoli,

Consensus mechanisms


The current consent mechanism used by Ethereum is Proof of Work (PoW). However, Ethereum plans to move its PoW to PoS (Proof-of-Stake) mechanism soon.

The Casper protocol of Ethereum will be implemented to try to solve blockchain scalability problems.

After the new PoS mechanism is stable, the developers of Ethereum will blow up a hard time bomb that will make Ethereum impossible.


On the other hand, Cardano uses a Proof-of-Stake protocol but uses the Ouroboros algorithm. Slot leaders are entities in this blockchain that work on confirming transactions and generating new groups to be qualified to become slots leaders.

However, you need to own any amount of ADA coins for this. To be a slot leader, the algorithm must choose a coin you own.

Programming language


Ethereum was built with the use of the Solidity programming language. The ethereum team developed Solidity specifically to allow the creation of smart Ethereum contracts that use cases that use EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine).


Unlike many other projects, which introduced the original code of several blockchains, Cardano developed its own protocol using Haskell and Plutus.

Haskell is a functional programming language based on an advanced form of mathematics.

Plutus is also a functional programming language, but it is an internal language developed by the Cardano team.



Currently, Ethereum has a level, but the downsizing solutions in terms of a second level are being developed.

Plasma is the solution with sidechain similar to that of Bitcoin's Lightning Network. These sidechains allow transactions without having to use bandwidth on the main Ethereum chain.

Ethereum will also use sharding to reduce blockchain scalability problems and focus on blockchain scalability.


Cardano's structure is composed of two layers that separate the accounting of the ledger from the computational part.

This separation gives the end user greater control over the privacy and execution of their blockchain-based smart contracts.

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Ethereum vs Cardano: The Conclusion

There is a lot of active development from both these Ethereum and Cardano projects, some of which will surely lead to an appreciation of the price of the respective coins of the platform.

That said, both Ethereum and Cardano have their sets of cons and pros. This makes it very difficult to say exactly which one will be more successful in the future.

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Kapil Gauhar

Kapil Gauhar is the founder of Blogger's Gyan. He is a passionate blogger, a great thinker and a creative writer. His passion for making friends with words and making people aware of the wonders of the digital world is what drives him to write as a career.

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