
Ethereum, the second largest in terms of market value, has increased by 2.5 percent in the last 24 hours. Ether is preparing for the next move against the US dollar, but has declined compared to bitcoin. ETH / USD may increase in the short term if there is a successful break.
- C & # 39; is a bullish trend line formed with the hourly chart of Eth / USD (data feed via SimpleFX).
- The pair could continue to rise and could even break the recent high.
- The price of Ethereum is traded with a bullish price action against the US dollar and Bitcoin.
- Although the prices of Ethereum have moved sideways Friday morning, a new fund approved by the co-founder of Ethereum Vitalik Buterin has the crypt ready for some huge gains.
The secret project originated from a cast of avenger-type ethereal power actors, including Cosmos, Golem, Maker, Global Blockchain Labs, OmiseGo, Raiden and Tendermint. (Source: "Vitalik Buterin hopes that the new Ethereum fund will be published on Hype", CoinDesk, 16 February 2018.)
All of these companies are developing decentralized applications on the Ethereum platform, which, in a sense, makes them competitors.
However, they have a common interest in strengthening the ecosystem of Ethereum, because the stronger this ecosystem, the better its chances are against rival blockchains.
With this in mind, they created the Ethereum Community Fund (ECF). In a broad sense, it opens the lines of communication between the various projects on the Ethereum blockchain. But more specifically, it creates a grant program to finance selected projects.
"Ethereum has grown beyond my expectations in recent years, but work is not clearly over," Buterin said in a statement to CoinDesk.
He added, "Providing value that matches the advertising campaign should be the mantra of 2018, efforts like the ECF that help organize the development of the ecosystem will help make this possible."
For years I have said that Ethereum has an advantage over most other cryptocurrencies. This is a test. Buterin is continually pushing the industry forward. At times, this meant confronting self-complacency or stupidity in the Ethereum community. And other times, it means building institutions that help drive the community forward.
What it does is make Ethereum bigger than the sum of its parts. How many other blockchains can boast something like this? He is thin, dear reader.
There is an upward reaction and the price has come back. On the downside, there is a bullish trend line that is forming with the time chart of the Ethics / USD. The couple is exchanged for a positive bias. All drops in current levels remain supported.
MACD time – The MACD has slightly reduced the upward slope, but it is still positive.
RSI timetable – The RSI is once again moving up after testing level 50.
Users of Ethereum fight against the recovery of Parity funds
The debate on Parity's lost funds has peaked in recent days, with a strong anti-recovery position taken by many in the community.
Parity's decentralized multi-signature portfolios have been compromised after a user has exploited a bug in an Ethereum smart contract, eliminating the wallet library function.
This has blocked over 500,000 Ethereums and made all portfolios unusable.
Parity said that to recover the lost funds, users would need to "hard fork" the blockchain. This would require the consent of the miners, who verify the transactions on Ethereum.
Currency selection
To facilitate the recovery of equality funds, the developers of Ethereum have created a proposal to improve the Ethereum (EIP), which would work as a standardized recovery model.
The EIP is open to public comments and the vast majority of those commenting are opposed to the application of the EIP.
This choice is indicative of the difficulty of blockchain governance, as there is no centralized authority to turn to in these situations.
While users of Parity have lost a large amount of funds and want to recover them, those against the implementation of these recovery tools claim that they could increase the attack surface of the Ethereum blockchain and increase dependency on the EIP editors.
Many referred to the EIP as "getting out of the paperless prison", which requires only the approval of the editors of EIP to manipulate the funds on the blockchain.
They claimed that the implementation of EIP 867 could potentially damage the decentralization and security of the blockchain.
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