
Before a launch on the main Ethereum network, the program
ethereum hardfork will go live on Rinkeby Testnet on Wednesday, January 9th, a
the ethereum core developers announced. In a tweet on Monday, Peter Szilagyi, a
The Ethereum team leader invited operators to update their nodes before the testnet
he he wrote:
"Rinkeby #Ethereum testnet hardfork will land around 13:00 UTC on Wednesday, January 9. Last call to update your nodes Also make sure you're running with` -rinkeby`, or geth init` -ed your node with genesis specifications updated by https://www.rinkeby.io/#geth "
Constantinople: the journey towards January 16th.
The last project of hardfork surnamed Constantinople has kept it
developers of ethereum core and fans of ethereum to the limit. Originally programmed for
the launch on the blockchain of Ethereum last year, the update was delayed after it
has encountered problems in the Ropsten testnet, one of the three test networks used
from the developers of ethereum. Others are Kovan and Rinkeby.
When the hardfork was implemented on Ropsten last October, it
remained blocked due to consensus problems. The release manager for Ethereum
Parity customer Afri Schoedon wrote that the result was a three-way fork, that is
between parity, geth and ropsten. Ethereum
The main developer, Lane Rettig, confirmed this fact also noting that they noticed a consensus
bug in the Parity implementation of Ethereum.
Constantinople is important because it implements certain
Ethereum improvement proposals (EIP) that bring the blockchain closer to a
Confirmation algorithm of PoS (Proof of Stake). Currently Ethereum manages the test
of Work (PoW) just like the bitcoin that requires an energy-intensive extraction process.
The upgrade, just like the others, will also reset the so-called
"Difficulty Bomb" which makes it more difficult to extract ETH after a
pre-programmed period. This has been put in place to encourage frequent updates of
the network.
As reported by Smartereum, the hardfork has been set up for publication
on the block n. 7080000, which according to the current blocking times will coincide with January
16. Szilagyi, in a subsequent tweet recalled the ethereum community of the
hardfork and the need to upgrade to client software that support it.
He wrote:
"Ethereum mainnet Constantinople hardfork (January 16th) is fast approaching, be sure to use Geth 1.8.20+ or Parity 2.1.10 + / 2.2.5 + to avoid unpleasant surprises!"
As reported by Smartereum,
The Geth Ethereum client software in December announced an updated version of these media
the Forcella di Costantinopoli. The new version, Geth 1.8.20
a special version has been described and would also support the Rinkeby process on
block 3660663.
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