Ethereum [ETH] The co-founder states that self-identity and personal information should be fully under the control of a person


Ethereum's co-founder, Joseph Lubin, recently spoke to CryptoConf about how we can move to next-generation IT infrastructures and rely on minimized networks that will help protect people's identities and enable new innovations such as cryptocurrencies, self-fulfilling legal agreements and identity self-sufficient to be established.

Lubin talked about the fact that ConsenSys has incubated more than 50 projects, which would lead to a decentralized future. He went on to talk about the Web 3.0 and the moves they were making to give an idea of ​​the decentralized future they were bringing to the world.

He has declared:

"The Internet has evolved over the years from the web 1.0 of the past to the web 2.0 of the present and early web 3.0 of the near future.We know that Web 1.0 has been a profound invention and Web 2.0 has deeply influenced the global society, but what we are merging into the 3.0 web is the decentralized World Wide Web and is catching on as we speak "

In addition, Lubin said that with their Web 3.0 architecture new ways of interacting will evolve and interoperability will be the key to self-sufficient identity. Lubin explained that uPort is a project dedicated to solving identity problems on the web, which is one of the main disadvantages of web 2.0. These drawbacks, such as Lubin's debriefing, have led to the breakdown of user identities on the Internet.

The identity of self-sovereignty is a way of protecting one's identity on the web, which in the present scenario is meant to be stolen by hackers or sold online. uPort is among the leading startups that focus on helping users take control of their identity and protect it while on the web through smart contracts. uPort in one of their post explained:

"UPort identity is a complete digital representation of a person or organization that can make statements about who they are when they interact with smart contracts and other uPort identities, both on-chain and off-chain. themselves, without relying on centralized identity providers, is what makes uPort a platform for self-identity. "

Joseph Lubin also added that they were working continuously to overthrow Web 2.0 models and simultaneously to build Web 3.0.

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