Ethereum [ETH] he says at the bottom, we will always love Ethereum Classic [ETC] despite the divorce


According to a recent announcement, Ethereum [ETH] The special projects platform will donate 15,000 ETCs to the classic Ethereum Cooperative. This donation is aimed at ensuring that the Ethereum Foundation is investing in ETC in order to maintain a long-term positive sum.

The report states that the Foundation has found a cold wallet with around 15,000 ETCs. The Ethereum Foundation has decided to donate the unsold ETC to the classic Ethereum Cooperation. Furthermore, the reason why the foundation donated the ETC was the fact that Ethereum Classic had a quality engineering system.

Some of the projects that involved the Ethereum foundation were SputnikVM, which aims to be an efficient virtual machine for several Ethereum-based blockchains, and the Emerald platform, an open source project, where developers create decentralized tools on Classic Ethereum [ETC].

In addition, the Ethereum foundation considered that the donation could combine both platforms for a greater good and create an opportunity "to bury the ax of war" between both communities. In the first 25 cryptocurrencies, ETH and ETC shared a similar vision and technology. It was also in the mutual interest of both platforms to collaborate and maintain a positive relationship.

The Ethereum Foundation also added:

"Divorce has been bitter, the narcissism of small differences will continue to raise our heads within our two communities, but in the end, the ETC community will always be a part of us both for history and for vision".

The dispute between both communities is the most popular in the cryptocurrency space, as tension has ensured its presence in cryptoverse for almost two years. The reason for the "divorce" of the communities is the DAO hack, which led to the separation of the Ethereum network. This led to the birth of the second largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum and the sixteenth largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum Classic.

Moreover, until now, both communities kept away from each other, only occasionally to launch an attack. To add to this, the Ethereum Classic community has always referred to itself as the original Ethereum because it chose to remain on the original chain and believed that the division was contrary to the values ​​of the blockchain.

This effort by both communities to collaborate and work together for the improvement of the ecosystem has aroused the whole community, with some for the truce and some against it.

Donald McIntyre, a Twitterati said:

"Unfortunately, every blockchain has its share of corporate participants.This is an agreement between a foundation and a cooperative, nothing more.Many of us in ETC repel your social attacks.The money is on your side, but the principles of time and sound are on ours. "

Chiangmaichuck, another Twitterati said:

"Vitalik is one of the nicest guys, it's like his ex-wife betrayed him, yet he still pays for child support because he loves children who are not his own"

Barry Silbert said on Twitter:

"The Ethereum Foundation has just donated $ 150,000 (in $ETC) at the Ethereum Classic Cooperative excited to see building bridges between the communities of Ethereum and Ethereum Classic "

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