Ethereum Creator, Bitcoin Author and Elite Blockchain Engineer


  Vitalik Buterin "title =" Vitalik Buterin "/> </div>
<p>  Although not yet 25 years old, Vitalik Buterin has become one of the most influential figures in cryptocurrency and decentralized applications creating Ethereum., The Ethereum platform allows you to use cryptocurrency for a wide variety of transactions not natively supported by Bitcoin or other currencies, and new and innovative uses are apparently being developed every day. </p>
<p>  In his brief career, Buterin has already done enough to cement his reputation as an important thinker and It will be fascinating to see what the perspectives will be for him and the Ethereum platform he created. </p>
<h2>  Education And Early Career </h2>
<p>  Buterin was born in Russia, and his family emigrated to Canada when he was six years old, his father Dmitry is a computer scientist and Vitalik has demonstrated a prodigious talent for math and programming since he was a child and has been included in talented classes at school , and continued to attend a private school in Toronto that cites as an important influence. During high school, he participated in the International Olympics in Computer Science, winning a bronze medal and collaborating with other young programmers. </p>
<p>  During high school, Buterin accepted a job by writing articles about Bitcoin for a dark blog; five Bitcoins were paid per post, which was about $ 3.50 at the time, and the website was bent after a few months. However, his writings drew the attention of Mihai Alisie, a fan of Romanian cryptocurrency, and soon the two founded the Bitcoin Magazine, which was one of the first publications on technology. </p>
<p>  Buterin also contributed to other periodicals that covered cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin Weekly and the academic journal Ledger, and he continued to write for Bitcoin Magazine until 2014; the magazine has ceased the printing operation, but still publishes an & # 39; online edition. </p>
<h3>  Creation of Ethereum </h3>
<p>  After graduating, Buterin enrolled at the University of Waterloo, but left the university after publishing the Ethereum white paper, which proved to be a huge success. Buterin's decision to leave school was supported by two major developments: he attended a Bitcoin conference in San Jose, California, which confirmed that others were enthusiastic about the technology it was; and his Ethereum white paper won the $ 100,000 Thiel Fellowship grant that guaranteed a certain degree of financial security. </p>
<p>  The most significant difference between Ethereum and its predecessor, Bitcoin, is that it supports smart contracts. Smart contracts work by coding the terms of an agreement in computer code, so that both payers and payees can ensure that the other party holds their share of the agreement and the platform can support very flexible agreements that involve any number of participants, asset types and sequential events. </p>
<p>  Several other factors distinguish Ethereum from other cryptocurrencies: it is designed to facilitate communication between applications and its ERC-20 standard makes it easy for new special-purpose tokens to borrow its blockchain. [19659008] Political considerations </h3>
<p>  Like many supporters of cryptocurrency, Buterin has expressed strong libertarian opinions and cites Milton Friedman, Ludwig von Mises and Ayn Rand among his favorite economic thinkers. However, he also expressed that the point of complete freedom is not simply profit, but rather to free creativity and meaningful innovation. </p>
<h2>  Personal life and current projects </h2>
<p>  Buterin contains almost 500,000 Ethereum tokens, and is therefore worth at least $ 175 million, depending on the exchange rate on a given day. However, he is still busy and continues to write articles and contribute code to software projects, mainly related to cryptocurrencies and decentralized applications. He also regularly tweeted on these topics and acts as a spokesperson for Ethereum. </p>
<p>  The influence of Buterin on the community of cryptocurrencies and on the market should not be underestimated: in mid-2017, when the pranksters spread false rumors about his death in a car accident, the value of Ethereum collapsed almost a third. Surely, the world of cryptocurrency users and investors is still very interested in Buterin and his work. </p>
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