Ethereum Blockchain's BlockMagic RPG game is now available to choose family and play


  Now you can play Blockmagic on your device and select your family "title =" Now you can play Blockmagic on your device and select your family "/> </div>
<h2>  Now you can play Blockmagic on your device and select the Your family [19659003] This has been a thrilling week for new BlockMagic consumers, because they were able to take part in their first ERC-721 magic products, although this is an early version, it has really excited users / wizards who are able to interact with one another in the magical universe of the platform </p>
<p>  In their initial public recapitulation, consumers have had the opportunity to download BlockMagic onto their devices, after which Company has automatically created for them an innovative Ethereum wallet, which has resulted in a lot of abrasion for users, the company has spent several days and nights, to make <strong> BlockMagic </strong> accessible without difficulty in the browser. </p>
<p>  The company is thrilled to declare that it has Een able to set up a version of BlockMagic that works directly with the bowser. The company is also working online with Ethereum Blockchain, through Metamask. </p>
<p>  This is a very exciting move due to the fact that players on any desktop will now have the opportunity to be part of <em> BlockMagic </em>. In addition, they will also work with the magical 3D universe in a single click, without the need to install other software. This means that they can now simply play with Metamask's current portfolio. </p>
<p>  For the first time, players will have the opportunity to be part of the family they prefer. They will also be able to access their family rooms. Only members of the same family will have access to a particular room. This will take place the opening of the castle which is scheduled for next week. </p>
<h2>  The Initial Expeditions And The Mythical Creatures </h2>
<p>  While the Alpha will have the opportunity to look at the BlockMagic, however it lacks a bit of gameplay. The company has formally announced that BlockMagic's pioneering mission will be unveiled next week. </p>
<p>  BlockMagic consists of a hundred mythical creatures that will appear in the game even as the project progresses. The exceptional dragon will be hidden in the castle, with the initial task of locating it. The first player to locate it will be rewarded with 1,500 MAGIC and proceed to own it. </p>
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