Erdogan’s time bombs in the Arab world!


For nearly a decade, Turkey has gotten used to interfering in any distraction and incidence in several Arab countries where it has political and military influence through the “Muslim Brotherhood” group, as Ankara tries through it to establish itself as an official sponsor on this. or that country, as is currently the case in parts of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Qatar, Somalia and other countries where the terrorist group is active.

Attempts by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to see himself as a remote control device for several Arab countries sometimes fail, but despite this, he tries so far to repeat his failed experiments and tries to move those countries as if they were channels on the television screen from the gateway to economic investments, especially in countries. In which it has no political or military support.

This political plan is evidenced by what Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşolu has repeatedly confirmed that there are tens of thousands of Turkish investors and workers in Lebanon, for example, so much so that during his penultimate visit to the capital Beirut, he said that their number is about 50 thousand. This means the presence of a large Turkish community in Lebanon, at a time when Ankara and Tehran are racing to fully control it.

It should be remembered that Ankara imposes restrictions on economic investment on its lands, including the presence of a Turkish partner for every foreign investor, but other capitals do not treat Ankara in the same way, which means that there is no Lebanese partner for every Turkish investor in Beirut. or in other Arab capitals, which leads to the absence of effective oversight of Turkish projects, often linked to the intelligence of their own country.

Therefore, the Lebanese and other authorities in Arab countries must impose restrictions on these companies, including those in which a partner of their citizens is present, and impose partial control at least on these investments and their actual activities, especially since there is no guarantee among these investors that they will not support terrorist movements with the aim of destabilizing them. The countries they are in to fulfill Erdogan’s orders, who can easily use and move them according to his needs.

Indeed, it is not enough for Arab countries to take into account the security aspect of Turkish investments, but also to take an alternative for the Turkish investor and products. If Arab capitals were to intervene in internal crises in Turkey, the first thing Erdogan would do would be to expel Arab capital. It could also use the economy as a new weapon against these countries in the future and can easily hold back Arab businessmen or those doing their business and prevent Turkish exports from reaching the Arab world.

In this regard, it is necessary to recall the experience of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, whose food security is totally dependent on Ankara. During the failed referendum for independence from Iraq, led by former President Masoud Barzani more than 3 years ago, Erdogan threatened, addressing the residents of the region, that he would close the border crossing that connects Turkey with the region. leaving them to die of hunger and thirst!

Consequently, Arab countries must avoid being totally or partially dependent on Turkey economically, and must also impose restrictions on Turkish investors and their projects on their lands, in conjunction with the gradual withdrawal of their citizens’ capital from Ankara. . Without this, Turkish investment in the Arab world could turn into a time bomb that Erdogan detonates from a distance whenever he wants.

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