Equality progresses with a grant of $ 5 million from the Ethereum Foundation


Peter Mauric, head of Parity's public affairs, said The block that the size of the grant demonstrated the "highest trust" of the Foundation in Parity's commitment to build the Ethereum 2.0 blockchain called Serenity (a more secure and scalable version of the original). He said the company was confident that the new funds would "go far enough" given the learning that occurred during the construction of its Substrate framework, which will allow developers to "focus on the Ethereum 2.0 specifications. rather than building the client from scratch ".

Parity caused a sensation in 2017 after a vulnerability exploited in its Ethereum client caused the freezing of 513k ether on about 600 wallets that had been distributed using Parity's popular multi-sig library. However, Parity made it clear that while it will continue to work to recover users' blocked funds, it will only use its capital to do so.

"Equality has not stopped funds from the happ Devops199, but we are committed to working with the community to find a solution that allows these 600 Ethereum users and development teams to regain access to their property, "said Mauric.

Parity will now focus its resources on equally between its work on Ethereum and the construction of the Polkadot protocol, which was commissioned by the Web3 Foundation.

Update: An earlier version of this article incorrectly indicated that Parity was used to host cryptographic portfolios

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