Encrypted Twitter bots have become worse than anyone could have imagined


Cryptocurrency- One of the worst proponents of the industry is a pervasive network of scammers robots that has quickly come to throw a space on Twitter. While most social media users have become accustomed to the incessant "Ethereum giveaway" scams that adorn the profile of any figure in the crypto sector, the problem has started to spill over into other sectors of the Internet. The famous moss of Elon called the robots at the beginning of the summer, when he made his first reference to Ethereum in the form of an ironic comment on the annoying extortionists.

Today the new research was published by the computer security company Duo Security, which shows how the problem of the scam bots has become on Twitter, revealing a network of at least 15,000 individual accounts. Researchers used automatic learning to differentiate between real and bot accounts, as well as classify scammers for their propensity towards cryptocurrency (often in the form of free tricks). Overall, the company has dragged 88 million Twitter accounts, examining the last 200 tweets to reach the conclusion that at least 15,000 were account bots dedicated directly to the scam through cryptocurrency.

The study cites the malevolent nature of robots, relying on the expectations of users who see a profile picture and a blue check mark representing real accounts like Binance and Vitalik Buterin, despite being managed by bots, [19659008] "Users are likely to trust a tweet more or less depending on how many times it was retweeted or appreciated." Those behind this particular botnet know it and have designed it to exploit this trend "

Action has become so severe that the founder of Ethereum Vitalik Buterin was forced to change his name into Ethalium's Non-Giver Vitalik. While most Twitter users have become adept at recognizing and tuning scam robots, not everyone is so lucky. In addition, the study found that cryptographic robots engage in behaviors to avoid detection and deletion, making the effort to remove scam accounts difficult,

"Bot attempts to fight detection prove the importance analysis of an account holistically, including content metadata … For example, bot accounts typically tweet in short bursts, resulting in a very low average time between tweets. also be used to identify other malicious botnets and antispam. "

Twitter, which took a stiff stance against cryptocurrency in the form of a ban on all cryptographic ads, has been slow to deal with the scam problem the robots despite the negative atmosphere they create on the platform. Buterin, in response to Elon Musks's "madness" tweet mocking cryptographic robots, invited Jack Dorsey and the Ethereum development community to find a problem. Twitter responded to Duo's conclusions with the admission of working to improve the problem,

"Spam and some forms of automation are contrary to the rules of Twitter. In many cases, spam content is hidden on Twitter on the basis of automated surveys … less than 5% of Twitter accounts are related to spam. "

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