Enable technological innovation by building blockchain-based solutions – Dot Com Infoway
11 January 2019
As the new year unfolds, you may have decided to make significant moves with blockchain technology. If your company has tried this system, then you may be aware of the bottlenecks that might occur. For this reason, Dot Com Infoway has established a solid foundation in the blockchain sector.
This article will guide you through the main areas where our experts quickly manage the blockchain.
Development of Blockchain
Gone are the days when your organization could only rely on a centralized server station to store data. Nowadays, you can use blockchain technology to get decentralized information today. The beauty of this is that it minimizes the risk of manipulating data.
At Dot Com Infoway, our experts will help you find the "nodes" that will store your company's data. In addition, you'll have apps and websites available that will allow your staff members to access your data. This is definitely a turning point in the market, especially at a time when data security is critical to any organization.
Encrypted contracts
As an organization, you may want to simplify the agreements and contracts entered into your line of work. That being the case, our experts will be more than willing to present you with an intelligent contract. Conventionally, you had to use the documents to work out the terms of an agreement in various deals.
This can be replaced by crypto contracts such as the promotion of responsibility at various levels of the organization. As a result, you can have your business partners participate in this move. Our competent blockchain experts will establish the structure of the system without compromising the security of the information contained herein.
Multichain Transaction Processes
With the advent of blockchain technology in various industries, there is the possibility of having a private blockchain. At Dot Com Infoway, our methods are well informed about how to set up the private blockchain for your organization. Our entity has been acclaimed to promote financial transactions for companies through this platform.
How do we make it? Well, our team of experts uses the multichain technology that allows the organization to perform digital transactions. It's not all that you're able to conduct up to 1000 transactions per second. Fantastic!
This incredible technology has enabled us to promote transactions taking place in organizations. Remember, one of the goals of blockchain is to improve the services that are managed here.
Development of Ethereum App
Have you ever heard of Ethereum blockchain? Basically, this is a computer platform that promotes features like smart contracts. This form of blockchain has also led to the introduction of an application for this. Our blockchain experts are famous for applications that lack bottlenecks.
In addition, your organization can enjoy sophisticated applications with the best architecture. If you have been fond of this field, you may have experienced cases of fraud. Fortunately, our experts are certified and have a good reputation for providing a valid Ethereum application. This exceptional quality has made our company a major player in the blockchain market.
Our experts are also proud to have diversified the application of the blockchain in various sectors. This is something to consider as many companies choose to venture into this field. The Dot Com Infoway team diversifies into sectors such as; health care, finance, transport and online shopping, among others. This move aims to get you on board to enjoy the huge benefits of blockchain technology.
With all that said and done, our Dot Com Infoway team is more than competent to handle any blockchain technology needs in your organization. Make a point of getting in touch with our experts to enjoy these services.
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