«Electronic publishing». Industry in search of Arab laws and technological structures


The seminar was moderated by Habib Sayegh

Prepared for publication: Hany Awakel

The participants in the symposium on the reality of the electronic publishing industry in the Arab world organized by the Center for Gulf Studies have emphasized the importance of creating a moral code of ethics that regulates the relationship between the parties in the publishing industry Arab and has requested the drafting of laws that control and develop the electronic publishing industry and its content at the Arab level. A strong technological infrastructure, which continuously provides the Arab Internet.
Since the Arab world possesses what is published, be it ancient heritage or modern creativity, whatever its field, whatever its level, it needs publishing channels, and Arabic publishing channels were always present, but in many countries it was only long or short compared to its counterparts The world, especially those developed, and that this latter is ahead of its time on many steps in various fields, including areas of technical publishing.
We wonder if the Arab sector of electronic publishing is suffering alone? When the focus spreads, the auditor will see how Arab suffering is found in various areas: it will not only see how recessions are in comparison with the previous years and decades, so the general background electronic publishing in the Arab world is an important entry point. How to get rid of its dark spots, and look at ways to maximize its bright aspects, even if they are small.
The first thing to note at this level is that it is linked to national contexts, as it is linked to a broader national framework: here, the differences in terms of the legislative and regulatory environment for the electronic publishing industry stand out. between the Arab countries. Arab organizations such as the Arab Organization for Education, Science and Culture and Federations such as the Union of Arab Writers and the Arab Union for Electronic Publishing.
What do the Arab e-publishing producers want? The question must be like
This symposium should look at the answer, and the research must be realistic in terms of diagnosis and characterization, so that there is what can be drawn from the general lines, can converge with previous conclusions and recommendations, may have reached previous scientific studies.
It can not be completed without the presence of producers of electronic content, writers, intellectuals, researchers, journalists and bloggers.
Are their complaints from the traditional publishing sector still in the electronic publishing industry? It's the same? Or is it different … Have you increased or decreased?
Since e-publishing speaks of an industry, it has no capital, it does not continue the industry without profits, nor does it enter the door of public goods and services covered by public budgets, without considering the issue of profits and losses, and consequently this seminar tries to discuss the issue of electronic publishing in Arabic through the following axes:
First: the electronic publishing industry in the Arab world: content and influence.
Second: the nature of the relationship between the parties of the Arab electronic publishing industry.
Third: proposals for the development of the electronic publishing industry in the Arab world.
"The issue of electronic publishing is big and has to do with the knowledge of the generations and the vectors and bridges between them," said Habib Sayegh, general secretary of the General Union of Arab Writers and Writers , chief editor of the Gulf newspaper. "If we take the United Arab Emirates experience in 10 years, the transition from e-government to smart, the artificial intelligence government, and electronic publishing has become a reality that develops and able to read e-newspapers for example at any time and before obtaining the paper version.
Furthermore, e-publishing is not just written, but there are aids such as pictures and videos, and there is a stage between the press and television, and higher than this in the question of 39; investigative investigation, for example.
On the subject of intellectual property, we have an experience that needs to be addressed: intellectual property is the Ministry of Economics, not the Ministry of Culture, and for some time we have deliberated with the Ministry of Economics for author's rights related to author's rights.
Talal Salem, founder of the Jumeirah publishing house (UAE), said that despite the presence of Arab publishing houses with a long tradition in traditional publishing, we did not reach professional publishing, as in other countries. There is no awareness at the publisher, the distributor, the reader and the receiver, we are experiencing the flow of information that has reached about 8XB in 2017 and so we are going to the flow of information to reach about 44XB in 2020 , that is, human cognitive knowledge is increasing exponentially. We could not absorb it in the world, so we resorted to the so-called artificial intelligence and analysis of large data, and we need to eliminate the existing information to put it in a chain to the reader, and what we suffer is the awareness of the problem. e-books, and we need to raise awareness among young people and university students on this topic, and therefore electronic piracy interferes with the problem of awareness, where many publishers suffer from pirated books and are found on many sites, so I focus on 39. the importance of knowledge of e-books and the development of publication tools until we reach a distinct electronic content. There will be a moral code in electronic publishing.
Regarding the nature of the relationship between the editorial industry, I say that the problem requires harmony and cooperation between the different stakeholders, within the framework of the laws and awareness of the stakeholders on the importance of developing the laws, and requires cooperation with large institutions, for example, to take advantage of their experience in electronic publishing for a good content industry in the Arab world. , Because we need a census of the reader and the state of publishing at various levels.

Electronic product

Asmaa al-Zarouni (writer and writer) affirmed that the Arab world in general has been postponed in the electronic publication: the western countries have preceded us in the process of publication and organization, but the electronic publishing has developed in the Arab countries , especially in the United Arab Emirates. Electronic product
However, there are benefits of e-publishing, such as the speed of submission and publication of the material and storage easier, therefore it is necessary to recognize that e-publishing is a reality from which it is not It is possible to disconnect and is connected to the world of speed and the world of development in which we live. Regarding the relationship between the different parties in the field of electronic publishing, it is noted that there is no cooperation relationship, and the size of e-publishing houses in the Arab world has not been disclosed, and there is no commercial activity from readers to buy books or electronic content, this leads me to talk about the lack of awareness on the culture of electronic publishing, and therefore we must combine all the efforts and coordination at the level of the Arab world, to develop the electronic publishing industry, and this requires the provision of statistics and research to develop industry and identify target groups, and to expand the reach of the recipients of this sophisticated industry, and invite seminars to bring together writers and publishers to know the problems of electronic publishing and the development of this profession.
"The main problem with publishing in the Arab world is that the Internet is not always available, and I'm talking about some Arab countries, and this could lead to the book's non-availability," said Mohammed Abdullah Noureddine, general manager of Nabati Publishing. On the basis of the offer and the question: if there is no request for publication, there will not be a strong publishing industry, so if the Internet is available between different generations and in different regions, this could necessarily mean an expansion of the electronic publishing industry. Which would change the face of electronic publishing in the Arab world, because "Internet" is available in European countries, and accessible to everyone. »
As for piracy, it can be said that the issue is linked to the trust between writer and publisher and reader, with the importance of ensuring that the e-book does not leak and the creation of laws to prevent piracy , knowing that the next generation will develop electronic publishing and transfer to other levels. Regarding the nature of the relationship between the publishing parties, it is necessary to focus on the two terms: trust and profit, which are the key to the problem. I understand that trust in the relationship between the publisher and the other parties is governed by applicable laws, particularly that electronic publishing at the Arab and international level requires courts that decide to implement an external executive. It can be implemented in any country and this requires coordination between states to control and expand electronic publishing using effective laws.
The question of profit is important and linked to the parties involved in the relationship with electronic publishing, and it is desirable to find an advertising conglomerate aimed at expanding the role and the importance of electronic publishing.

Property settings

Haytham Hafez, director general of Dar Al-Hafiz, president of the Syrian Publishers Union, said that electronic publishing has developed in the Arab world over a period of time but has decreased, the reason for the decline is related to the issue of control of intellectual property. It is known as the "chaos of publication" We can not say that there are publishers published electronically, any platform can be an electronic publication and Facebook can be an unregulated or licensed electronic publication, so there is a difference between the publication Based on the fact that the former has no controls and our main problem is E-publishing that there is no real protection of intellectual property that we try to protect them to develop creativity. To establish a true electronic publication in the Arab world, we must establish intellectual property, and the next most dangerous for the Arab world concerns foreign cultural societies that can strengthen relations with the most important Arab publishers and publish them, which will hinder the work of publication in any Arab country. Need to be reformulated in the Arab world and, more importantly, laws must be established.
The publishing industry is still afloat in the Arab world, proposing the enactment of laws necessary to develop the electronic publishing industry and promote partnerships between authors, designers and publishers. It is possible to state that cooperation between the Arab publishing unions is good and acceptable and serves the issues of reading, writing and writing, and there is an umbrella for these unions, the Arabian Union of Publishers, which is a federation of federations, which seeks to develop the profession.
Mohammed Shuaib Al Hammadi, a member of the Board of Directors of the United Arab Emirates Writers and Writers' Association, said that the electronic publishing industry is one of the advantages that can be moved between libraries in the Arab world and get the book at any time, without forgetting the challenges related to the generations "Electronically from his phone or computer, and between a generation that adheres to the printed reading.It should also be borne in mind that the goal of the publisher is to publish, be it commercial or cultural. Electronic publishing is influenced by the role that countries play in the transition to electronic and intelligent services, which accelerates the transition from writing to paper content.
I believe that the relationship between an electronic publisher and a paper producer is regulated in the same direction, because both parties are interested in guaranteeing the rights and stability of the utility. The development of the electronic publishing sector in the Arab world must be subject to the formulation of standards and procedures for the protection of all parties and it is necessary to raise awareness on the importance of reading electronic content, increasing the demand for this content and consolidating and expanding the electronic publishing industry.

Adjust the terms

Fajr Qasim Ali of Sharjah Media City said: "I would like the title of the seminar to be the digital content industry, because we have overtaken the electronic publishing industry and now we are in the 'artificial intelligence' Electronic publishing is a PDF put on the Internet It is also important to consider the fact that the Arab public has for years had free access to data and information online and believes that everything should be free and does not accept the mentality of payment for knowledge ". Today, for example, the largest hotel or car rental company in the world does not own a single room or vehicle, so it is not necessarily a publisher of electronic content. Netflix has invaded the world and is produced internally in every country. If we do not share the same approach, we may have a problem. The reality is that we live in an era of technology that takes two positive and negative dimensions, and therefore we need innovative solutions, especially in the time of images and screens, and in my opinion the solutions must be connected to the screen and not to the printed text.
"Before talking about institutions and publications, I have to focus on awareness and educate the reader on the importance of digital publishing, and at the moment we have the topic of awareness on paper publishing, one of the most important challenges that we have to face is get a copy, "said Shamem Biram, and this version reaches the various websites, so the reader gets this version for free, without the problem of paying the amount to get a hard copy, so you can print the electronic content or obtain a paper copy at an economic price, and this is negatively reflected on the role of Pubblicare a T employs all its means to provide the content of a document and electronic incl. "It's also a challenge for audio books that are widely circulated, and I think that if there are laws to preserve the rights of publishers, I mean international laws, this would develop from the process of electronic publishing."
In fact, we need to create different content, I mean short videos that contain a collection of information in certain areas, such as cartoons, aimed at young people, through which you can collect the same content in a collection of books, a & # 39; special encyclopedia created and published on social networking sites and other sites. It needs significant costs, so it needs real support from organizations and publishers need to focus on collaborating with media and advertising companies on social networking sites in terms of e-content, because they can reach readers who interact with technology and prefer For e-books on paper with the most recent tools they use.
"We now live in the digital age, and there are requirements to promote a culture of reading that must be connected to electronic publishing," said Ali Abdel Moneim Mohamed of the Story Tail Publishing Company. "It was an art to wake up to words.Electronic reading is different in terms of reading any content through an unpublished medium, so we have to separate the publication from a profession and from an industry, as it is a & # 39. very large industry and is undergoing major changes in its construction.For publishers, authors, publishers, governments and civil society organizations, if we list the most important problems we encounter, book prices are expensive and are not widely available for As far as the authors are concerned, their relationship with publishers is linked to the fact that the latter are cautious in dealing with unknown authors, and for our Arab societies there is a weakness in the question of respect for Author: Publishers have a problem with censorship, protection of intellectual property rights and distribution, and governments and civil society organizations do not have measurements and data on the quantity and quality of books published, the number of readers and therefore the difficulties of supporting online publication.
So I think one of the solutions is to provide modern products and programs that require high skills to be widely available at the publishing industry, with the need to provide training and awareness programs to use them. We need to look for new business models and innovative services, and this needs to train and qualify the parts associated with the electronic publishing sector. "

Publishing industry

"If we want to talk about the symposium title on the publishing industry, I have no one to disagree with," said Salah Shabaro, director of Neal and Furatcom Lebanon
Colleagues who have been invited to change the title in digital content, and I think the most appropriate title is the electronic publishing industry.
As for the traditional method of selling a document, it takes the path of the author and publisher and then the distributor the seller, but the e-book is different and abbreviated by the author to the seller, or from the publisher to the seller, then the production movement has become concise, even the price of the e-book lower than the E paper, the market is generally divided into about 60% for paper books, 30% for e-books, 10% for audio books, and then we sell a lot of paper books for a while. Yeh electronic books. I can say here that the newspaper is still the king, and for the problems we have on the e-book, we must support the transformation from paper content to e-mail, because without support we could switch to electronic content after 10 years or more, To allow the production of distinct electronic content. "With regard to piracy, we have created a group to avoid them: there are about 90 percent of the books we have protected from piracy in technical and non-legal ways, blocking them from many sites, and the e-book transcends all kinds censorship in the Arab world, and I think it's important to have laws to protect communities and control e-books, and we need laws to protect us from giants I think it's important to focus on educational games, because they're closer to the book and as an educational material in a non-boring way.
Regarding the nature of the relationship between the various parties in the publishing sector, unfortunately it lets me say that lack of trust and credibility, and we notice a lot of exchanges of commissions between the author and the publisher and the distributor and there lacks in the Arab world a distribution company, both paper and electronic, and I find that there is a problem with the existence of good authors The challenge lies not in translation, but in the presence of innovative and distinct authors, therefore I ask a question: what do the Arabs want to read?
"After checking the reality of the publication, we noted in Egypt, for example, after confirming a random sample of young people, who did not want to read, and part of them could go to the audiobook as You can say that there are books of paper that come from an electronic background, ie they were collected from tweets or notes on social media and turned into printed books, so the relationship is no longer in one direction Between paper and electronic publishing, both benefit from one of the As publishers, we have to change our traditional thinking on paper and electronic content, and we have to invent ideas that can attract the new generation to reading.
They are in agreement with those who say the danger of electronic piracy, but talking about piracy can mean that there are electronic readers, and we should develop our tools and train the book in a way that attracts the attention of readers. . Regarding Internet censorship, I think it is difficult to do it, but it is possible to use prevention and blocking. في تقديري أنه لابد أن يحصل نوع من الدمج بين التكنولوجيا والنشر, مع التوعية بكل ما هو جديد على صعيد المحتوى الإلكتروني, وتجنب التكرار والبحث في محتوى مبتكر, مع أولوية تدريب الناشرين حول النشر الإلكتروني, ودعوة الشركات الدولية إلى الاستثمار في صناعة النشر الإلكتروني العربي.

تواصل الناشرين

isأكد بكر محمد رمضان, صاحب دار نشر الشامل فلسطين, أن هناك فوضى في صناعة النشر الإلكتروني بالوطن العربي, والأمر يعود إلى عدم تواصل الناشرين والتنسيق بينهم, مع إدراك أنه لا توجد عناصر لإنتاج الكتاب الإلكتروني, سوى أنه كتاب ورقي تحول إلى صيغ معينة, ونشر على المواقع الإلكترونية. لكن هناك فرق بين شراء الكتاب والحصول عليه مجانا, وأقصد هنا شراءه من الدول الغربية, حيث لاحظنا في الكتب التي اشتريناها, أن الأسطر متباعدة في النسخ المدفوعة, إلى جانب أن شكل الكتاب وتصميمه مختلف, والمواد المساعدة مختلفة أيضا, وعليه أقول إنه لا توجد صناعة للنشر الإلكتروني في الوطن العربي كما هو الحال في الغرب, الذي لديه صناعة نشر إلكترونية قوية, وبالتالي من المهم تطوير الكتاب الورقي إلى إلكتروني, وتنويع المحتوى من أكاديمي إلى ثقافي واقتصادي واجتماعي ..

ولذلك من المهم وضع دراسة حول التشريعات والتباينات على مستوى الأقطار العربية, وأيضا من المهم التواصل بين الناشرين العرب لتمكين وتطوير المحتوى الإلكتروني, تحت مظلة اتحاد الناشرين العرب.
وقال محمد بن دخين المطروشي, مؤسس دار التخيل للنشر والإعلام الإبداعي "أرجو تعميم الرؤية المستقبلية لتطوير صناعة النشر التي وضعتها جمعية الناشرين الإماراتيين على المستوى العربي, حيث تطرح عبر اتحاد الناشرين العرب, وهي رؤية مدروسة وقائمة على أساس علمي, وبدأت تؤتى ثمارها في الإمارات , ولدينا الفرصة بأن تكون هذه الرؤية عربية. وأجزم أن النشر كان موجودا من أيام المسلات المصرية, وتعاليم حمورابي تعتبر في زمننا الحالي بمثابة الكتاب المطبوع, لكن النشر الإلكتروني خلق قواعد جديدة للناشرين, وعلينا إما مواكبتها أو الغرق في هذا السيل الكبير. وىاا »ىساىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىى,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,ىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىى………………………………….
وحاولت حقيقة التعرف إلى رحلة الناشر الإلكتروني, حيث إن صناعة النشر العربي مع الأسف لم تواكب هذا التطور, وهذا يدعو إلى توحيد الجهود لتطوير هذه الصناعة, وعلى الناشر أن يمتلك رؤية 360 درجة, بحيث يواكب ما يحدث في هذه الصناعة, وفي رحلتي للنشر مع " أمازون »وجدت أن لديها شروطا معقدة وأنها تطلب نسبة أرباح بحوالي 55%, حيث إنك لا تتعامل مع ناشر حقيقي; بل تفتح حسابا في الموقع وتحمل كتابا, ثم يظهر لك مساعد متفاعل افتراضي, وهو شخص إلكتروني يشرح لك ماذا تريد أن تفعل, ويساعدك في تصميم الكتاب وإعطاء قوالب, ويدخلك إلى مكتبة تحوي لوحات ورسومات وصورا عالية ال ودة بأسعار رخيصة جدا, وبعدها يمكنك استئجار مراجعين لغويين للتدقيق في الكتاب, أو مترجمين ومحررين, وبعد ذلك يعطيك الخيارات في حال أردت نشر الكتاب إلكترونيا أم طباعته, ويعطيك أمثلة لكتب جرى نشرها, حتى إنه يتدخل في نوعية الورق من حيث أيها الأفضل في عملية الشحن . وإذا كنت مجتهدا يمكن في غضون ثلاثة أيام, إلى أسبوع, توزيع كتابك في السوق, وأعتقد أننا بحاجة إلى وقفة جادة مع أنفسنا لمواجهة التحديات التي تعيق مسيرة صناعة النشر الإلكتروني في الوطن العربي, وعمل شراكات والاطلاع على تجارب الدول الغربية في هذه الصناعة, وبالتالي من المهم إيجاد رؤية موحدة لجميع الجهات المعنية, لتصبح الإمارات مركزا للنشر العربي, والدليل وجود أول مدينة للنشر في الشارقة, وتطوير الإطار القانوني لقطاع النشر, وتعزيز التنوع وجودة المحتوى العربي, وتطوير مواد تعليم وتعلم اللغة العربية بجودة عالية, والتشجيع على القراءة, وتحسين التوز يع وتجارة التجزئة, وتحويل المكتبات إلى بيئة إيجابية, وبناء عوامل النهضة الوطنية وحوار الثقافات, وتطوير مهارات الصناعة الإبداعية ورعاية المواهب الفنية. وفي تقديري آن الأوان للاتجاه نحو دعم الاندماج المهني بين الناشرين, وتطوير مسألة النشر المشترك ».

أسماء المشاركين بالندوة

أسماء الزرعوني: كاتبة وروائية.
بكر محمد رمضان: صاحب دار نشر الشامل فلسطين.
حبيب الصايغ: الأمين العام للاتحاد العام للأدباء والكتاب العرب, رئيس تحرير صحيفة «الخليج» المسؤول.
شريف إسماعيل بكر: مدير العربي للنشر والتوزيع مصر.
شمم بيرام: مديرة الحقوق والترجمة في دار الكتب العلمية العراق.
صلاح شبارو: مدير نيل وفرات.كوم لبنان.
طلال سالم: مؤسس دار جميرا للنشر والتوزيع الإمارات.
علي عبد المنعم محمد: شركة ستوري تيل للنشر الصوتي.
فجر قاسم علي: مدينة الشارقة للإعلام.
محمد شعيب الحمادي: عضو مجلس إدارة اتحاد كتاب وأدباء الإمارات.
محمد عبد الله نور الدين: مدير عام نبطي للنشر.
محمد بن دخين المطروشي: مؤسس دار التخيل للنشر والإعلام الإبداعي.
هيثم حافظ: مدير عام دار الحافظ ورئيس اتحاد الناشرين السوريين.

توصيات الندوة

أوصت ندوة «الخليج» التي نظمها مركز الدراسات حول صناعة النشر الإلكتروني في الوطن العربي, وطبيعة أطرافها وسبل تطويرها, بما يلي:
إيجاد ميثاق شرف أخلاقي ينظم العلاقة بين أطراف صناعة النشر الإلكتروني في الوطن العربي.
صياغة قوانين تضبط وتطور النشر الإلكتروني ومحتواه في الوطن العربي.
ربط تطور النشر الإلكتروني بوجود بنية تحتية تكنولوجية قوية, توفر الإنترنت طوال الوقت.
نشر الوعي بالمحتوى الإلكتروني في الوسائط التكنولوجية الحديثة.
انتكار عناصر تنتج النشر الإلكتروني وتجنب تحويل المحتوى التقليدي إلى إلكتروني.
ربط المحتوى الرقمي بترسيخ ثقافة القراءة الشاملة.
مقاييس صحيحة لتمكين قطاع النشر الإلكتروني.
إيجاد مظلة تدعم وتطور قطاع النشر الإلكتروني في الوطن العربي.
التواصل بين الناشرين لتطوير قطاع النشر الإلكتروني.
الاستفادة من التجارب العالمية المتخصصة في النشر الإلكتروني.
دعوة اتحاد الناشرين العرب إلى إنشاء مشروع قانون استرشادي للنشر الإلكتروني، تطّلع عليه اتحادات النشر القُطرية على مستوى الوطن العربي، للاستفادة منه في الارتقاء بصناعة النشر الإلكتروني.
توفير محتوى إلكتروني بمبالغ مادية تطوره وتحافظ على ديمومته.
عمل شراكات على صعيد المؤلفين والناشرين والمخرجين والمنفذين لتنمية صناعة النشر الإلكتروني.
إيجاد مؤلفين جيدين لتوسيع حضور المحتوى الرقمي في سوق الوطن العربي.
إيجاد قوانين لحفظ حقوق دور النشر والمؤلفين وضمان عدم قرصنتها.
تحديد رؤية مشتركة للجهات المعنية لتطوير صناعة النشر.
تعزيز تنوع وجودة المحتوى العربي وتطوير مواد تعليم وتعلّم اللغة العربية بجودة عالية.
تحسين التوزيع وتجارة التجزئة وتطوير مهارات الصناعات الإبداعية ورعاية المواهب الفنية.
إيجاد خطوات لدعم الاندماج المهني بين الناشرين ودعم النشر المشترك الإلكتروني.

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