Dubai will be the first blockchain city of the future?


The pace with which the blockchain industry develops is breathtaking. Blockchain has contributed a lot to the development of technology. But it does not mean that it has nothing more to offer the world.

So in this article, The shark of the coin gives you the opportunity to look at TOP-7 the most anticipated blockchain technology trends of 2019.

1. Blockchain as a service (BaaS)

Of course, the blockchain is one of the revolutionary technologies of the 21st century. It is able to solve an incredible number of problems and activities. Therefore, many start-ups and companies are working on the development of their blockchain decision. One of these decisions is Baas service, which is a cloud service to create their own products on blockchain and smart-contracts.

Although the world's giants like Amazon and Microsoft already provide the BaaS service and the demand starts to grow.

2. Hybrid blockchains

There are several blockchain versions, one of which is a hybrid. Presumably, it will become a trend in 2019.

A hybrid blockchain deserves your attention, because there are several variations of its use and precisely its integration into a hybrid IoT, banking services, supply chain and business services.

3. Federated Blockchain

Some people believe that 2019 is the year of a federated blockchain. The type of technology presented is an evolution of the blockchain standards. It is perfect for many private use cases such as: insurance recovery, financial services, supply chain management, etc.

4. Ricardian contracts

This is also one of the trend blockchain of 2019, which is basically a legal contract for a mutual agreement between the parties. Ricardo's contracts combine legal contracts with technologies. In this case, the legal contacts will be checked and cryptographically signed.

The uniqueness of Ricardo's contracts is that they are simple to understand. Save the mediators between technology and people.

5. Interaction between Blockchains

With time we see new networks based on blockchain. It leads to the formation of new chains, offering various network processing speeds, etc.

The interoperability of the blockchain is aimed at improving the exchange of information between various networks and systems on a blockchain basis. This trend improves the compatibility of blockchains and makes them more practical for everyday use.

With the interoperability of block chains, for example, it is possible to send information from EOS to chains of Ethereum blocks. Several examples include: BlockNet, Aion, WanChain etc.

6. Stablecoins

These currencies, unlike the cryptocurrency, have a stable rate, as they do not depend on market conditions and are supported by commodities or legal tender. The brightest example of stablecoins is To tie.

7. security token

These tokens protect the rights of investors during an ICO. Security tokens will become a trend in the blockchain industry in 2019, as we are now observing the transfer from ICO to STO.

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