Doomsday machine-like explosion seen rumbling from the sun | Science | news


A large ejection of plasma and magnetism from the Sun has been identified in the satellite data. The explosion is known as coronal mass ejection (CME) and occurs when the magnetism becomes unstable on the surface of the star at the center of our solar system. The CME was spotted by NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft, with some claiming the ejection resembles Star Trek’s Doomsday Machine.

The Doomsday Machine was a mechanical monster in space, which had a large circular opening and a long, weak tail.

Fortunately for Earth, the CME was ejected from the direction of Earth.

Astronomy site Space Weather said, “A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) in the shape of a Doomsday Machine flew out of the sun during the early hours of October 24th.

“It won’t hit Earth. The source of the explosion was a filament of magnetism near the northeastern edge of the sun, which became unstable and exploded.”

Had the storm hit Earth, it would likely have caused auroras in the north or south pole.

Auroras are created when a stream of magnetic particles hits the Earth’s magnetic shield which deflects it.

When the particles are deflected, they create a stunning green and blue light show in the upper or lower levels of the planet.

However, the consequences can be much more severe than the Northern or Southern Lights.

Solar particles can cause the Earth’s atmosphere to expand.

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However, another major solar storm could occur, leading researchers to urge policy makers to invest in better infrastructure to observe our host star.

A recent study by the Institute of Science and Technology in Skolkovo, Russia, stated: “A major solar storm could disrupt electricity, television broadcasting, the Internet and radio communications, leading to significant cascading effects in many areas of life. .

“According to some experts, the damage from such an extreme event could cost up to several trillions of dollars and the restoration of infrastructure and the economy could take up to 10 years.

“Therefore, understanding and predicting the most dangerous extreme events is of prime importance for the protection of society and technology against the global risks of space weather.”

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