Don’t want the COVID-19 vaccine? You could lose access to normal life, says the UK minister


People who refuse a COVID-19 vaccine may find normal life reduced as restaurants, bars, cinemas and sports facilities could block entry to those who don’t have proof of being inoculated, the new UK vaccine minister said Monday. .

Several major COVID-19 vaccines have been announced in recent weeks, giving hope that the world will soon return to some semblance of normalcy after the coronavirus killed 1.46 million people and wiped out a portion of the global economy.

British minister in charge of vaccine launch, Nadhim Zahawi, said getting vaccinated should be voluntary, but that Google, Facebook and Twitter should do more to verify opposing views on vaccines.

Asked if the UK would introduce an immune passport, Zahawi said a person’s COVID-19 vaccine status could be included in a phone app, similar to the Test and Trace app used by the NHS, which would inform the local doctors of a person’s state.

“I think you would probably find that restaurants, bars, cinemas and other venues, sports facilities, will also use this system as they did with the [Test and Trace] app, “he said.

“The kind of pressure will come in both directions: from service providers – who’ll say ‘look, show us you’ve been vaccinated’ – but we’ll make the technology as simple and accessible as possible.”

Health authorities in many countries have become increasingly concerned in recent years about the growth of anti-vaccine groups, which are particularly active on social media.

Zahawi has refused to provide a specific date for a vaccine launch as none have yet been approved for public use.

The message, he said, should be that a vaccine is good for the community and the country.

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