Does the human mind resemble the universe?


“Does the human mind resemble the universe?” teases the announcement that an astrophysicist from the College of Bologna and a neurosurgeon from the College of Verona “contrast the community of neuronal cells within the human mind with the cosmic community of galaxies … and striking similarities have emerged.”

Slashdot reader Iwastheone shares their report:

Regardless of the substantial scale distinction between the 2 networks (greater than 27 orders of magnitude), their quantitative assessment, which lies at the intersection of cosmology and neurosurgery, means that various bodily processes can construct constructions characterized by interrelated ranges of complexity and -organization. The capabilities of the human mind due to its vast neuronal community which is believed to include around 69 billion neurons. Alternatively, the observable universe can rely on a cosmic network of at least 100 billion galaxies.

Within each program, only 30% of their batches are composed of galaxies and neurons. Within each program, galaxies and neurons organize themselves into long filaments or nodes between filaments. Finally, within any system, 70% of the distribution of mass or vitality is made up of parts that take part in an apparently passive function: water in the mind and dark vitality in the observable Universe.

Ranging from the shared options of the 2 programs, the researchers instead have a simulation of the community of galaxies in sections of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. The goal was to observe how the fluctuations of matter spread on such different scales. “We calculated the spectral density of each program. It is an approach typically used in cosmology to learn the spatial distribution of galaxies ”, explains Franco Vazza (astrophysicist of the Bologna College). “Our evaluation confirmed that the distribution of the fluctuation within the neuronal communities of the cerebellum on a scale of 1 micrometer to 0.1 mm follows the same development of the distribution of the matter within the cosmic web, however, after all , on a larger scale ranging from 5 million to 500 million light years ”.

The 2 researchers also calculated some parameters that each characterize the neuronal community and the cosmic network: the common variety of connections in each node and the tendency to group a number of connections into related central nodes within the community. “As soon as again, the structural parameters recognized surprising failure ranges. In all likelihood, the connectivity within the two networks evolves following correlated bodily ideas, regardless of the suspended and apparent distinction between the bodily powers that regulate galaxies and neurons ”, provides Alberto Feletti (neurosurgeon of the College of Verona).

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