Does sport fit what politics has ruined in the Arab world? – Sunrise online


FIFA President Gianni Infantino announced Wednesday that 22 teams from the Arab world will participate in the “FIFA Arab Cup” tournament from 1 to 18 December 2021 at the World Cup stadiums in Qatar.

This announcement comes amid a politically charged atmosphere in the Arab region, starting with the dispute over several Arab countries (UAE, Bahrain and Sudan) announcing the normalization of their relations with the Israeli occupation at the expense of the Palestinian cause.

In addition to these differences, the Gulf crisis resulting from the boycott of four Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt) of the state of Qatar in June 2017, as well as the war in Syria, the boycott of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad and the freezing of Syria’s membership of the Arab League since the end of 2011.

Furthermore, the divergent position on the Libyan crisis has sparked strong differences between several Arab countries, in addition to the division in Arab positions regarding the crisis between the Polisario Front and the Moroccan occupation in the Guerguerat region, which broke out this month and is mainly linked to the struggle of the Sahrawi people to extort the right to self-determination on their own land, as This problem has affected relations between Algeria, Morocco and other Gulf states.

Director expected FIFAThat the regional tournament in Qatar brings together millions of football fans from across the Middle East and the Arab world.

FIFA has confirmed that the tournament will feature 22 Arab teams from Africa (12 teams) and Asia (10 teams), and that all Arab teams have announced their consent to participate.

Sport is seen as a tool to bring people together in an atmosphere of peace, honest and fraternal competition, but with all these crises in the Arab world, the establishment of this championship, with the participation of all Arab teams, is a exceptional event at this time, as it indicates the victory of the sporting spirit over political conflicts.

This tournament is also seen as an opportunity for Arab fans to enjoy watching their national teams in the light of pure sporting competition, away from any political calculations.

Will sport prove again this time that it is the effective solution to repair what is corrupted by politics among Arab countries?

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