Discounter Lidl ironically warns hamster shoppers: not everyone can laugh at it


It will no longer allow hamsters to enter its branches in the future – Lidl appeals to Instagram to think of others. Bild: images imago / Future Image

Discounter Lidl amusingly warns hamster shoppers: not everyone can laugh at it

The situation of the crown in Europe has again deteriorated significantly since the autumn. The number of infections is reaching record levels and the federal government has already reacted to the dramatic situation. A “blockade light” in November should prevent further deterioration.

For some Germans, concerns about supply bottlenecks are growing again due to the partial blockade that has been imposed. And this revived an almost forgotten phenomenon in a weakened form: hamster purchases. At least the big German discounters note that toilet paper and especially disinfectants are in high demand with customers, reports “Express”.

Corona: The increase in the number of infections increases the fear of supply shortages

Even in the fall of this extraordinary 2020 there are people who are obviously afraid of going empty handed. That this fear is completely unfounded does not come to everyone.

Lidl has already reacted to this fact. In an Instagram post, the discounter shows a hamster that has been deleted, along with the words: “We must stay out.”

Here the Insta-Post with the hamster prohibition sign

In the comments section below the post, opinions differ. The overwhelming majority celebrate the company for the offensive brand against mass buying in panic. “Marketing in Lidl! Another increase! Top”, writes a user under the post. Mega declaration, thinks another. Another user, who claims to be a discount employee, reports: “I work at Lidl and what we sometimes experience is borderline, some people get totally aggressive when you say they can only buy a few items to a limited extent you saw in the first block that all items, with a few exceptions, were always delivered subsequently “.

Even angry rumors under Lidl-Post

But there are also people who don’t find Lidl’s statements amusing and talk about them accordingly. They feel threatened in their freedom while shopping. “People can buy what they want. It’s nobody’s business, how much and what”, writes a user. Some even rated the campaign as “fairly unprofessional”.

The fact is: in the spring it became clear that supply bottlenecks in supermarkets only occur when people start buying certain products in bulk and stock them at home. If you continue to shop as you always do, supermarkets can stock the range as usual.

Lidl’s message is therefore clear: Think about other people when you shop.

(for example)

Shopping for hamsters at the supermarket resumes: Aldi introduces the rule of toilet paper

The corona pandemic is back with all its might and with it all the side effects we already know from the first wave in April. An example: hamster purchases. Some discounters have already reported increased demand for individual products, including toilet paper.

But discounters should have learned from the empty shelves in April. For example, an Edeka branch tried a creative video posted on Twitter …

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