Alternative investments have become a standard within many investors' portfolios. The market recorded record numbers in 2016 and shows no signs of slowing down. But investments still require intermediaries and centralized.
Enter the blockchain technology, which allows decentralized solutions of fintech and distributed registers, removing the intermediary and providing new ways to invest.
A fintech company that offers investors a transparent process to access reliable alternative investment opportunities, DarcMatter has developed a blockchain-based distributed ledger to provide greater transparency, security and confidence to the alternative investment industry and the global financial market .
Set up by Return on Change Inc., headquartered in New York and development teams in Kiev, Shanghai and Seoul, the DarcMatter platform is one of those rare birds – a blockchain technology product that exists. His recent DMC token had a maximum limit of $ 35 million.
DarcMatter provides a user-friendly platform that links fund managers who are actively raising capital with individuals or institutional investors around the world, allowing them to access and execute documents and invest in alternative fund products. The focus is on increasing transparency and efficiency in terms of time and costs through blockchain technology.
"For the investor or LP user, once the registration and profile have been completed, you can visit the Browse Investment page, which contains all the funds that DarcMatter currently lives on the platform," he told me. founder and CEO of DarcMatter, Sang H. Lee. "The investor can use the filters to sort the fund's opportunities according to their interest, for example, if they are looking for private equity funds, they can sort by that type of fund, along with many other options to assist the user in finding opportunities of interest. "
Once an investor finds a fund of interest, he can access everything they need to execute their investment, including background information, statistics on the bottom and details of the members who run it.
"As a next step, the investor can visit the fund's data room to request access to all documentation funds," Lee said. "When an investor is ready to invest, click on the button" I'm interested! "Su DarcMatter to activate the subscription process, which includes the digital execution of the documentation and the transaction features that transfer the funds of the investor from an account to the fund manager, in order to guarantee their investment in the fondo. "
Simplification here is evident. In traditional alternative investment markets, there is still a significant number of tasks that require manual attention. Many of these tasks also require the participation of numerous intermediaries to ensure compliance, security and transparency. DarcMatter's solution consists of incorporating a distributed blockchain ledger that removes opacity.
"Blockchain has provided some basic technology solutions that allow industry participants to operate more efficiently than the current one," Lee said. "In a sector where many intermediaries and their commissions are incorporated into processes such as verification or for security reasons, blockchain highlights if these intermediaries are obliged to perform the job or better, if there are fintech solutions that can serve the same purpose. "
In other words, blockchain offers everything you need to make your investments as transparent and safe as possible.
"The main tenants of the blockchain, such as a ledger and an immutable distributed consensus, make it impossible to inherently engage [the] fraudulent activities that continue to plague the industry globally and allow industry participants to play a direct role in the create transparency and security, "said Lee. "In DarcMatter, we see the next step to push our vision fintech forward and to ensure that our DarcMatter community is accustomed to how the blockchain can function as part of the investment and capitalization process."
The DMC token that underlies The DarcMatter platform is used to unlock and complete smart contracts for the completion of the investment. And the authorized blockchain of DarcMatter, a type of private blockchain, enables high levels of discretion and privacy that are required by investors and the market in general. Furthermore, the use of blockchain technology offers opportunities for cross-border investments.
So what's up in DarcMatter again?
"We are excited about our future in fintech," said Lee. "Of particular importance to DarcMatter is the release and integration of key blockchain functionalities into the already operational platform to aid in the investment process.As part of this growth, our current platform will evolve into an even more active ecosystem, robust and widespread, where investors and investment providers will contribute to the blockchain and its various benefits.We will continuously invest in the growth of a global community with offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Seoul.Also, with the blockchain ecosystem, we will also have a new focus on growing our developer community to continuously contribute to smart contracts and innovations for all participants. "