The cryptocurrency space clashes with an antagonist and rather large opponents who would not retreat. The chronicle has been in rapid action during the last year, the last time in December, when a number of prominent personalities compromised their accounts on Twitter. While Twitter reported having "fixed a bug" that allowed for the falsification of some accounts, hacking was seen to play after Twitter had made its claim.
One of the individuals affected was Jonha Richman, an important leader, advisor and influencer for the blockchain industry. In 2017, she was recognized as one of the top 10 women in the crypt. Jonha's Twitter control was hacked last month, followed by malevolent activities that went on for a few days until control was regained. The activity carried out by the account has published content to deliberately tarnish the role of Richman as a leader of thought in cryptographic space. Although not personally afflicted, he continued to share the importance of dealing with cybersecurity issues to support growth and adoption of the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem. Speaking with BlockPublisher, Jonha said:
Many people who may not necessarily be tech savvy will not act quickly enough, so if we expect people to accept cryptocurrencies and become part of their daily lives, projects will face the challenge of ensuring that their whole ecosystem is protected from all types of cyber-security attacks and have extensive systems to prevent these attacks not only proactively, but also have a contiguity plan in place when they occur.
IT security continues to be an important stakeholder in the digital age, and just like hacking digital portfolios, identity theft and compromising social media are all aspects that affect everyone in the same way. Shedding light on the importance of cyber security, Miss Richman continued:
There has never been a better time to be more vigilant not just for people investing in cryptocurrencies and now Blockchain projects. With the growing dangers from identity theft to the digital wallets of people who are empty, it is vital for everyone to be more cautious. It would not hurt to double check all the apps we have authorized on our social media channels every 2 months, as some seemingly good apps could somehow become rogue and what could have started as an innocent app could be compromised and used to skim or steal your information.
In the end, Miss Richman regained access to her Twitter account a few days later, collaborating with the platform and reporting misleading tweets to investigate on Twitter. It remains pro-Bitcoin and activist to ensure space prosperity.
There is no better #Christmas present for me that FINALLY manages to access my account!
Thanks to those who made what seemed impossible – POSSIBLE.
Post scriptum I'm still LONG #Bitcoin y & # 39; to. #HappyHODLdays
– Jonha Richman (@JonhaRichman) December 25, 2018
However, Richman was not the only prominent character who became the subject of a Twitter hack as CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Morgan Creek Capital Management Mark W. Yusko also had his compromised Twitter portfolio at the time. beginning of last year.
Perhaps having my handle @markyusko hacked is the way God says I should give up @twitter for Lent …#BigAsk#WayHarderThanDessert 😉
– Mark Yusko (@ MarkYusko1) February 14, 2018
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