Cryptocurrency and Blockchain are hot topics on today's podcasts


Podcasts are becoming a popular tool for those seeking a gradual introduction to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

Podcasting was once a relatively obscure idea. Currently, it is one of the most common means of disseminating news and listening to comments.

It is estimated that at least 500,000 podcasts are active worldwide at this time, with content available in more than 100 languages.

As blockchain and cryptocurrency begin to mesh in the fields of journalism and media, thanks to platforms such as Civil, a growing number of podcasters have set their sights on the discussion of all things blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Keeping Up the Issues

A number of podcast related to the blockchain and virtual currency have already made their presence felt. Travis Wright and Joel Comm of Bad Crypto have become popular due to a combination of penetrating interviews combined with humor.

Others, such as Unchained, former editor of Forbes, Laura Shin, who asks in-depth questions to the experts of virtual currency. While Epicenter has been producing episodes since 2013, it remains one of the most popular podcasts in the field.

 Cryptocurrency and Blockchain are hot topics on today's podcasts

While some podcasts focus in particular on some aspects of virtual currency and blockchain, others reflect on how the technology at the forefront resound in the minds of those who are not familiar with industry.

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Both have worked in roles associated with the podcast of WNYC technology, but have seized the opportunity to receive funding from Civil in the form of fiat and CVL tokens. Civilian is trying to help 100 journalists get faster by the end of the year.

Their podcast, ZigZag is a dive into the understanding of the blockchain as it is a discussion about entrepreneurship and, unconsciously, a test to see if the Civil model for promoting journalism can actually take off.

The first season of 12 episodes of ZigZag ended last month and Zomorodi, as a presenter, has relied on a variety of methods to convey their message. Part of the podcast focused on the discussion of elements related to the blockchain, while others were in the foreground on Civil itself.


The second episode also included a jingle in the style of "Schoolhouse Rock" which was

In music, the musician Martin Zaltz Austwick played the guitar and sang:

" Bitcoin is blockchain & # 39; s baby
Transactions, trading, taking care of business on the blockchain
All my friends are computers and we are working together on the blockchain "

Although Civil is closely associated with the ZigZag podcast, the company does not seem to care to be the subject of reporting. The CEO Matthew Iles said he wants to show how "we trust our partners and that we are open to transparency".

Do you have a favorite podcast with encryption or blockchain? Let us know in the comments!

Images courtesy of Bitcoinist archives, ZigZag (Twitter)

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