The crypto market started the week on a much needed positive note and recovered from a weekend selloff.
Traders seem to believe the market fell into oversold territory this weekend after strong selling pressures dictated by speculation that Goldman Sachs was demolishing his encrypted trading
. This has led to solid gains across the board in the last 24 hours, bringing the value of the entire market to US $ 199.45 billion according to Coin Market Cap.
While it is a decline in 2.5% from Friday to today, this is a 3.9% increase compared to yesterday. [19659003] Here is the state of work on Monday morning compared to 24 hours ago:
The price Bitcoin (BTC) rose 3.4% to US $ 6.523.70 per currency, increasing the its market capitalization to slightly less than the United States $ 110.9 billion. The price of Bitcoin has fallen to a minimum of 6,197 US dollars per coin over the weekend, but has recovered strongly.
The price Ethereum (ETH) rose 3.1% to 202.19 USD per token, leaving alt currency with a better market capitalization of US $ 20.6 billion.
The Ripple (XRP) rose 3.1% to 28.51 US cents. This gain brings the market capitalization XRP to US $ 11.3 billion
The price Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has pushed 3.7% more to US $ 489.61 for currency, bringing Bitcoin's market capitalization to the US market. $ 8.5 billion.
The EOS (EOS) price has been a great engine in the last 24 hours with a gain of 8.8% to $ 5.13 per token. This solid gain has led the market capitalization of currency alt to just over US $ 4.6 billion.
Earnings continued out of the top five. In fact, only five coins in the first 60 were in negative territory during the period.
The price Stellar (XLM) rose by 0.8%, Litecoin (LTC) jumped a solid 6.3% more, Cardano (ADA) rose by 1.9%, and Monero (XMR) reached 6.8% more. The only coin in the top ten to slide lower was Tether (USDT) which decreased by 0.25% during the period.
Motley Fool contributor James Mickleboro has no position in any of the titles mentioned. Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. We Fools may not all have the same opinions, but we are all convinced that, considering a diversified range of insights, we have become better investors. Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains only general investment advice (with AFSL 400691). Authorized by Scott Phillips.