Crypto freezes creating credibility, not chaos


The sale of cryptocurrency has a number of investors who sing the blues. More than a handful of individuals bought in encryption after the massive increase in Bitcoin Core (BTC) prices last year, with the expectation of seeing the same explosive growth in 2018. It did not happen; in fact, the numbers have decreased significantly from the beginning of the year with many digital currencies that lose up to 75% of their value. However, instead of considering this as a half-empty glass scenario, it must be seen as a full glass situation that will produce great things for cryptocurrency.

Many people have forgotten why cryptocurrency was created. They have become blinded by the dollar signs, hoping to be able to convert some Bitcoins into a new Lamborghini or an ocean front party, seeing substantial returns. What was presented by Satoshi Nakamoto about ten years ago was conceived as a currency, a form of money peer-to-peer, not controlled by a central bank and that allowed instant transactions. A currency is only good if it can be spent; as long as there are no obstacles to achieving widespread widespread adoption – like massive volatility – it will never prosper.

The sell-off is a good thing. It is helping a large number of people start taking cryptocurrency more seriously. You are eliminating get-rich-quick scammers that operate through initial tokens (ICOs) and new – but useless – digital tokens that do not provide utility.

It has also produced a market that, at different levels, is cleaner than before. Despite strong fluctuations, price volatility was lower than last year, which means there is more stability in the markets. This will help produce an ecosystem that can flourish and deliver the results everyone should want to see – a world that accepts digital currency as a legitimate currency and removes the ability of central banks or countries to manipulate prices in a bizarre manner.

Those behind Bitcoin SV are not trying to create a cryptocurrency that sees its price point to the moon one day, only to return to crash into the next. Instead, the goal is to create a sustainable cryptocurrency that is a viable alternative to Fiat. Despite the actions of some individuals to try to derail the train from the tracks, Bitcoin SV has been able to remain faithful to the original Satoshi & # 39; s Vision and create a cryptocurrency that is not only aimed at long-term prospects , but that, in a sea of ​​wanna-be digital currencies, has value of true, tangible utility.

Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) chain are called BTC coins. Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) is today the only implementation of Bitcoin following the original whitepaper of Satoshi Nakamoto for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BSV is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original Bitcoin vision as fast and frictionless electronic money.
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