Crisis Support: Burger King invites customers to order at McDonald’s


When fast food giants advertise, they like to make fun of the competition. More recently, Burger King showed the McDonald’s clown as a scary figure. The rivalry between the two always creates moments of entertainment for the customers.

But in the crown crisis, it’s not just hitting that is popular. “We never thought we would say that …” the British marketers of Burger King write on Twitter and recommend people to go to McDonald’s, Pizza Hut & Co.

Burger King Whopper is always the best choice, but ordering a Big Mac at McDonald’s isn’t too bad either. Because restaurants with their thousands of employees currently depend on support.

Burger King received a lot of praise from the Twitter community for the campaign. Nearly 120,000 users liked the tweet. Fans of McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken or Subway get in touch and thank Burger King for their selfless contribution. After the crisis, however, the attacks should continue as usual.

Anyone else want to eat this? In early 2020 Burger King showed an ad where the Whopper burger is being devoured not by people, but by the insatiable jaws of time. The result after 34 days: a unique mold culture that doesn’t make you want to bite into it. However, the purpose of this global campaign is not to spoil our appetites, but on the contrary: the American fast food chain wants to show its commitment to avoiding all artificial preservatives with the scruffy Whopper. The Schimmel Whopper campaign slogan also describes the high resolution images of decaying food as “Beauty with no artificial preservatives”. In fact, Burger King soon wants to do without all artificial preservatives around the world, which, according to the company, is already happening in much of Europe and 400 locations in the United States.

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