COVID Affected Mother Wakes From Coma And Finds She Has Given Birth To Twins | News from the UK


A hospital consultant whose twins were delivered prematurely while in a coma with COVID-19 said it’s “unbelievable” that they survived.

Perpetual Uke, a rheumatology consultant at Birmingham City Hospital, fell ill with flu-like symptoms in late March.

She was taken to the city’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital and ended up on a ventilator, in an induced coma, and her babies were born by Caesarean section.

When she came out of the coma, she thought they hadn’t survived.

Ms. Uke told Sky News: “I was between 24 and 25 weeks pregnant at that stage, and when I woke up I was so disoriented. I thought I lost my pregnancy because I couldn’t see my baby bump. More I was really worried.

“Sometimes I look at them in tears, I didn’t know they were going to make it. It’s amazing what professional medical science can offer.”

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NHS consultant Perpetual Uke was in a coma induced by COVID-19 when her twins were delivered by cesarean
Perpetual Uke, pictured with her husband Matthew and twins Pascal (L) and Palmer, says it is amazing that her children survived

Palmer, a girl, and Pascal, a boy, were born on April 10 at just 26 weeks, weighing only 770g and 850g.

They were placed in incubators in the specialist neonatal intensive care unit.

Ms. Uke spent another 16 days in the intensive care unit before meeting them.

“They were so small they didn’t look like my older children, I couldn’t touch them, I felt so emotional,” she said.

Her husband Matthew was not only worried about his wife’s life, but also cared for premature twins and their older children Ronald and Claire.

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Mr. Uke said his wife initially spoke to the family via video when she was admitted to the hospital, but when she went to the ICU she stopped.

“I had mixed feelings when the twins were brought out,” he said, “but my wife was still in a coma, sick, I couldn’t talk to her. I was happy that the twins were given birth but the fact is that it’s my wife coming back to. home? “

Ms. Uke and the twins left the hospital to applaud the staff and everyone is recovering well at home.

He said he thought the twins, who are developing “wonderfully”, would become “good playmates, you see them chatting, laughing together.”

Mr. Uke said they had brought them “so much joy”.

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