Common problems for slow Wi-Fi


Because the Wi-Fi is slow

It is a fact that we connect from wireless networks it will have more problems in terms of stability and speed than if we connect via cable. Especially when we step away from the router or access point.

There can be many causes that cause a bad wireless connection. A bad configuration, use of faulty hardware, malware in the system, choice of the wrong band … We will show which are the most common problems.

Poor positioning of the router

Undoubtedly this point is behind most of the problems with Wi-Fi coverage. We have a badly positioned router and this means that the signal does not reach the areas where we really need it to be available in the best way.

One mistake is placing the router in a file Low area, like under a piece of furniture. So place it close to other devices that may be interfering.

The ideal to achieve Better quality When we connect, the router is in a central position of the house, which distributes the signal in the best way to the places where we will connect, which is in an elevated position, away from other electrical devices, walls and walls.

Choose the wrong band

It is also a very frequent cause of slow internet over Wi-Fi to choose one wrong band. We already know that modern routers have the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. Any of these options can be interesting at some point.

If we connect away from the router, it is better to access the file 2.4 GHz band. It is the one that offers more stability and is less sensitive to distance and any obstacles that may exist and damage the cover.

On the other hand, if we connect close to the router and want to reach maximum speed, it is better to access networks in the 5 GHz band. In this way we will achieve greater speed.

Differences between 2.4 and 5 GHz

Excessive use by other devices or users

Another very common problem is having many users connected to that router or using the bandwidth from multiple devices at the same time, downloading or uploading a large amount of content.

This may mean that when using Wi-Fi from our device we do not have the capacity for such a request. Especially if our contracted rate is not very high, we can have problems of this type.

But it could also be that there is network intruders. This logically affects the quality. We must therefore always protect our Wi-Fi network very well. It is necessary to use a strong and complex password, totally random and unique, as well as non-obsolete encryption.

Saturated channel

A final common cause of slow Wi-Fi is when we use a very saturated channel. This can happen if we are in a building surrounded by many networks and our neighbors use the same channel.

We must take this into account and always try to use a less saturated channel. In this way we will have a better signal quality and higher Internet speed.

In short, these are some of the main reasons why Wi-Fi is slow when browsing the Internet. We leave you an article with tips for improving Wi-Fi. A series of recommendations that we can apply in our daily life.

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