Chinese space monitoring ships complete Chang’e-5 probe launch monitoring


On Tuesday morning, two space tracking ships from Yuanwang’s Chinese fleet completed maritime monitoring of the launch of the Chang’e-5 probe in the Pacific Ocean.

Launched at 4:30 am (Beijing time), the spacecraft was sent into its current orbit by a Long March-5 Y5 rocket from the Wenchang spacecraft launch site in Hainan Island Province in southern China.

About six minutes after take-off, Yuanwang-6 detected and locked onto the target and completed its tracking. After the rocket had traveled for more than 30 minutes, Yuanwang-5 continued the task.

The maritime monitoring process took a total of 1,100 seconds. The two ships sent accurate real-time data to spacecraft control centers in Beijing and Wenchang, setting the stage for the Chang’e-5 mission.

Yuanwang-5 and Yuanwang-6 will now sail to their next mission areas, while Yuanwang-3 will participate in follow-up monitoring work for the lunar probe.

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