China will launch a rocket to the moon in 48 hours to retrieve valuable lunar rocks from the surface


CHINA is ready to launch an unmanned spacecraft to the moon on a mission to bring back the moon rocks from the surface.

It will be the first attempt by any country to recover highly valuable samples from Earth’s natural satellite in nearly 45 years.

China's mission to the moon is expected to launch in the coming days


China’s mission to the moon is expected to launch in the coming daysCredit: AFP or licensees
The Long March 5 rocket that will carry the Chang'e-5 lunar probe


The Long March 5 rocket that will carry the Chang’e-5 lunar probe Credit: AFP or licensees

The Chang’e-5 probe, named after the ancient Chinese moon goddess, will seek to collect material that should help scientists better understand its origins.

The launch, expected in the next 48-72 hours, will also test the superpower’s ability to acquire samples remotely from space, before more complex missions in the future.

If successful, China will become the only third country to have recovered lunar samples, after the United States and the Soviet Union decades ago.

During the Apollo program, which first put humans on the moon, the United States landed 12 astronauts on six flights from 1969 to 1972, returning 842 pounds of rock and soil.

The Soviet Union deployed three successful robotic champion return missions in the 1970s.

The last one – the Luna 24 – only recovered six ounces of samples in 1976 from Mare Crisium, or “Sea of ​​Crises”.

The boot of an Apollo 11 astronaut on the surface of the Moon in 1969


The boot of an Apollo 11 astronaut on the surface of the Moon in 1969
If successful, the mission will make China only the third country to have recovered lunar samples


If successful, the mission will make China only the third country to have recovered lunar samples

The Chinese probe, scheduled for launch in the next few days, will attempt to collect more than 4 pounds of samples in a previously unvisited area known as Oceanus Procellarum, or “Ocean of Storms”.

“The Apollo-Moon sample zone of the Moon, while critical to our understanding, was undertaken in an area that encompasses far less than half the lunar surface,” said James Head, a planetary scientist at Brown University in Rhode Island. .

Subsequent data from orbital remote sensing missions showed a wider diversity of rock types, mineralogy, and age than that depicted in the Apollo-Moon sample collections, he added.

“Lunar scientists have supported robotic sample return missions in these many different critical areas in order to address a number of key questions left over from the previous exploration,” the expert said.

The new mission could help answer questions like how long the Moon has been volcanically active within it and when its magnetic field – key to protecting any life form from solar radiation – has dissipated.

The Soviet Union deployed three successful robotic champion return missions in the 1970s


The Soviet Union deployed three successful robotic champion return missions in the 1970s
Neil Armstrong and 'Buzz' Aldrin fly the US flag on the lunar surface during the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission


Neil Armstrong and ‘Buzz’ Aldrin fly the US flag on the lunar surface during the Apollo 11 lunar landing missionCredit: ImageForum

Once in orbit, the spacecraft will aim to deploy a couple of vehicles to the surface: a lander will drill through the ground, then transfer its soil and rock samples to a blocker that will lift and dock with an orbiting module.

If this is successful, the samples will be transferred to a return capsule that will take them back to Earth.

China made its first moon landing in 2013, and six years later the Chang’e-4 probe landed on the opposite side of the moon, the first from any nation’s spacecraft.

Within the next decade, China plans to establish a robotic base station to conduct unmanned exploration in the South Pole region.

Why are moon rocks so special?

Mineralogically, most moon rocks are pretty simple things.

Common lunar minerals include silicates, which are composed of silicon and other elements such as calcium, aluminum, oxygen, magnesium, and iron.

However, they are so extremely rare that they are worth an absolute fortune.

NASA valued the rocks at around £ 30,800 per gram in 1973.

This equates to more than £ 250,000 per gram in today’s currency.

One gram of gold is worth around £ 45 in comparison.

However, even if you could somehow get your hands on them, it’s illegal to sell them.

“No Apollo Moon rocks or loose amounts of moon dust have ever been legally sold,” said Robert Pearlman, who curates

“There is no specific law that addresses moon rock ownership, but the United States considers the champions a national treasure and the theft of such items falls under the laws applicable to government property theft.”

It is to be developed through the Chang’e-67 and 8 missions until the 1920s and expanded until 2030 before manned landings.

China plans to recover samples from Mars by 2030.

In July, China launched an unmanned probe to Mars on its first independent mission to another planet.

The Chinese mission to the moon comes just a month after it was reported that the US Space Force will someday send humans into space and may set up its own moon base with robots.

US space command leader John Shaw said he sees space soldiers as part of the army’s future plans.

“At some point, yes, we will put humans into space,” Shaw told virtual attendees at the AFWERX Engage Space Conference, C4ISRNET reports.

“They can run a command center somewhere in the lunar environment or somewhere else where we continue to run an architecture that is largely autonomous.”

NASA confirms water on the sunlit surface of the Moon for the first time

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