China is preparing for a historic start


– China continues to develop its space muscles. On Tuesday it launched a rocket that is expected to be lifted to the moon early next week for an ambitious mission, Andhra. The long March-5 will carry song 5, which aims to recover rocks and other objects from the moon – the first time humans have done so in more than 40 years. Natural. This task requires you to dig about 7 feet below the surface of Song 5’s Moon Lander component and bring it to discovery. This is a complement to China’s 2019 mission.It became the first nation to land a rover some distance from the moon.

Carolyn van der Bogert, planetary geologist at the University of Munster, Germany, said, “Taking the samples from the moon to the next level is a significant technological feat. China currently has a mission to Mars. I could put Natural. As with the previous lunar mission, the Chinese rover continues to postpone photos, and has more recent ones.

(Read more stories about the moon.)

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