[ad_1] Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, who should meet today in Washington with his American counterpart, Donald Trump, this year will be Trump's tenth European leader in the White House. But none of these ten European leaders came from a Western power, the Washington Post notes in an article. Good relations …
Read More »Gletscherschmelze in Grönland: Forscher warnen: Meeresspiegel steigt dramatisch
[ad_1] Beunruhigende Daten aus Grönland: Das Meerwasser rund um einen der größten Gletscher erwärmt sich laut einem Bericht drastisch. Mit fatalen Folgen für die Küsten weltweit. In Grönland droht einer der größten Gletscher der Insel zu schmelzen – viel schneller als bisher bekannt. Wie der US-Sender CNN berichtet, geben neueste …
Read More »A new investigation deepens the mystery of the Himalayan skeleton lake
[ad_1] the lake Roopkund It is famous that hundreds of skeletons have been discovered on its shores, which studies have proven to be much older than initially thought. Now, according to a study published in the journal Nature Communications, it was concluded that the skeletons belonged to genetically distinct groups …
Read More »Helheim Glacier in Greenland: researchers find alarming evidence
[ad_1] Updated 20 August 2019, 16:47 In Greenland at the beginning of August, a huge piece of glacier broke. NASA researchers now wanted to find out why the ice melts so quickly – and found alarming evidence on the Helheim glacier. Additional knowledge topics are available here It was a …
Read More »Hombre armado maintains 16 rehenes en autobús de Rio de Janeiro – Latinoamérica – Internacional
[ad_1] Después de más de 3 horas de asedio, a francotirador de la policía abatió este martes en la mañana a la un hombre armado que secuestró un autobús en Río de Janeiro, in the que 18 pasajeros fueron retenidos como rehenes. Agent de la Policía Militar y de la …
Read More »This Argovia woman spoke unexpectedly with Donald Trump in the Oval Office
[ad_1] This Argovia woman spoke with Trump in "Oval Office" Who can claim to have met the most powerful man in the world in his office? The human rights activist Dabrina Tamraz of Wettingen can do it and spoke with the US president about the persecution of Christians in Iran. …
Read More »EEUU hace prueba de misil tras su salida of the tratado INF
[ad_1] La prueba tuvo lugar el domingo at 2.30 pm, hora local, (21H30 GMT) in the isla de San Nicolás, frent a la costa de California, EEUU, informed este lunes el Departamento de Defensa de EEUU (el Pentágono) in a comunicado. "The misil de prueba salió de su lanzador móvil …
Read More »O ülkeden kan donduran son dakika haberi! Çöpten çıkan el arabası için kılıçla saldırdı!
[ad_1] ABD'nin Florida eyaletinde yaşanan olay ajanslara son dakika olarak düştü. Kameralara yansıyan görüntülerde Oakland Park şehrinde, çöpten çıkan bir el arabasını almak için iki adamın tartıştığı görülüor. El arabasını ise sokakta o sırada koşmaya çıkan bir adam alıp evine götürdü. Koşucu evine geldiği sırada takip edildiğini gördü ve tartışma …
Read More »Jeffrey Epstein signed on testamento dos días antes de su muerte
[ad_1] | 19 of August de 2019 – 19:01 ¡Sigue deslizando! Hay más noticias para ti. The multi-storey habría confiado sus activos -que ascienden a unos 577 millones de dólares-, to a "fideicomiso" llamado "Trust 1953", indicated the middle neoyorquino. Dos días antes de suicidarse, the financiero Jeffrey Epstein rubricó …
Read More »Venezuela and Russia strengthen bilateral cooperation
[ad_1] The vice-president of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, and the president of the high-level intergovernmental commission Russia-Venezuela (CIAN), Yuri Ivánovich Borísov, held today a working meeting in the city of Moscow, in order to strengthen the cooperation that they have maintained both nations for several years in different areas. Rodríguez …
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