
US Chief Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes resigns

[ad_1] The Director of Election Crimes of the United States Department of Justice, Richard Pilger, he resigned by order of the Attorney General, William Barr, to investigate the hypothesis fraud in the presidential election. “Having become familiar with the new regulation and its ramifications (…) I unfortunately have to resign …

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Grandma’s drama isolated for 8 months due to a pandemic

[ad_1] According to the testimony of some of his relatives, the emotional state of adulthood has deteriorated significantly in recent months due to childbirthreported the Daily Record. “The difference in my grandmother is simply devastating to see. Before, she was full of life and was happy with her family’s regular …

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Pentagon civilian leadership resigns after Trump fires Esper

[ad_1] According to a Pentagon statement, the top officials who have stepped down are: Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, James Anderson; the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, Joseph Kernan; and the Chief of Staff of the Secretary of Defense, Jen Stewart. Of: EFE 20:27 / 10/11/2020 The Pentagon …

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Is the Trump administration hoping for a voter coup in December?

[ad_1] AFP 1/8 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo seems convinced that President Trump’s administration will soon enter its second term. Keystone 2/8 “We are ready,” Pompeo said in front of the media Tuesday. Keystone 3/8 “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Pompeo said. Getty …

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Bolsonaro questions Biden’s statement on the Amazon | news

[ad_1] The Brazilian head of state, Jair Bolsonaro, challenged the statements made by the elected president of the United States (USA), Joe Biden, about the fires in the Amazon in front of local media. READ ALSO Million dollar lawsuit against mining company BHP blocked in UK “We recently saw a …

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