
Loser election Trump – an ambulance case

[ad_1] Know every morningwhat is important. * Notice on data protection You can unsubscribe from the newsletter via the clickable link “Unsubscribe from the newsletter” in the e-mail you received. You can also object at any time to the use of your data for advertising purposes and / or revoke …

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Google Group announces: total global bankruptcy on Youtube!

[ad_1] Youtube struggled with global unease on Thursday night. (Symbol image) Youtube video and music service was not working! This was reported by several users on social networks on Thursday evening. The company, which belongs to the Google group, was badly hit. There is talk of a total global failure. …

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Father of a dead migrant boy arrested in Senegal —-

[ad_1] Senegalese gendarmes arrested the father of a 15-year-old boy who died at sea while trying to migrate to Europe, an official familiar with the case said Wednesday. The West African state official said the father – whose identity is unknown – paid a smuggler the equivalent of 380 euros …

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Biden appoints Ron Klain as head of his future cabinet

[ad_1] Klain, a lawyer, has worked with Biden since the late 1980s. He is a critic of the way Trump handled the pandemic. Of: AFP / EFE 23:20 / 11/11/2020 US President-elect Joe Biden announced on Wednesday 11-N the appointment of his veteran advisor Ron Klain, a strong critic of …

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YouTube crashed worldwide this Wednesday, November 11th

[ad_1] The YouTube account on Twitter indicated that they were already working on what happened, albeit the site remained for more than half an hour with no sign of reaction. Our team is aware of the issues on the platform and is working on a solution. – YouTube in …

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