
Mr. Brexit has left the boat

[ad_1] Ivete Carneiro Today at 10:12 Boris Johnson’s special adviser and ideologue for divorce with Europe was beginning to feel uneasy. It was there for Christmas, but the discomfort was so unbearable it happened yesterday. , the brains behind the Brexit (“Voting Leave”) campaign that elevated Boris Johnson to a …

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Investing in a feminist peace

[ad_1] NEW YORK – During the COVID-19 pandemic, public life in much of the world has largely stalled. For the two billion people living in conflict-affected countries, however, there was no respite in violence and unrest. Some of the world’s conflicts even escalated or reignited during the crisis, inflicting devastating …

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Last minute … MSB released! Special video for Azerbaijan

[ad_1] The video specially prepared by the Ministry for Azerbaijan was shared on his Twitter account. The 2 minute video with Turkish and Azerbaijani soldiers, shared with the message “Dedicated to our Turkish Azerbaijani brothers who made us proud by achieving a great victory in Nagorno-Karabakh and their heroic army”, …

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