
Bruising can reveal 7 health problems … Know them well

[ad_1] 18:30 Saturday 21 November 2020 I wrote _ Shaima Morsi Sometimes a person suffers from the appearance of bruises on the skin, but what are the reasons for their appearance, this is what we will show, according to the American website “Bright Side”. 1- Weight training and heavy lifting: …

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Patients, caregivers, young people, people in precariousness … The pandemic also has a psychological impact

[ad_1] The psychological consequences of the health crisis are worrying. Those suffered by Covid patients to begin with. “At least 20% of them have psychological consequences: chronic anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depressive pathology. The neuroinflammatory disorders caused by the virus could be one of the determining factors “, wrote …

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adolescent mental health deteriorates, says child psychiatrist

[ad_1] AFP, published on Saturday 21 November 2020 at 4:59 pm Suicide attacks, anxiety, somatization: the mental health of an increasing number of adolescents is deteriorating from Covid-19 and imprisonment, worries Rennes child psychiatry professor Sylvie Tordjman. QUESTION: What do you observe at the University Hospital of Child and Adolescent …

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adolescent mental health is deteriorating, worries a child psychiatrist

[ad_1] Suicide attacks, anxiety, somatization: the mental health of an increasing number of adolescents is deteriorating from Covid-19 and imprisonment, worries Rennes child psychiatry professor Sylvie Tordjman. What do you observe at the Pôle hospitalo-universitaire de psychiatry de l’Enfant et Adolescente that you manage? In Rennes, compared to the same …

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How to stop eye tremors and what are the causes? – Erm News

[ad_1] Many people experience eye tremors and this involuntary movement affects the upper eyelid and lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes, and in rare cases it lasts a full month. The face or drooping eyelids. The “Bright Side” website revealed several reasons behind the uncomfortable movement of …

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