How to stop eye tremors and what are the causes? – Erm News


Many people experience eye tremors and this involuntary movement affects the upper eyelid and lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes, and in rare cases it lasts a full month. The face or drooping eyelids.

The “Bright Side” website revealed several reasons behind the uncomfortable movement of eye tremors and how to stop them.

How to stop the chills?

It is possible for us to twitch our eyes due to exposure to the lights of smart devices such as computers and cell phones, and we must follow the 20-20-20 strategy to avoid the annoying tremor in the eyes, which is after every 20 minutes of looking at the eyes. screens, watch anything 20 feet away from For 20 seconds you can use medical goggles against these harmful rays.

There are simple home remedies that anyone suffering from eye tremors can apply at home. To eliminate this annoying symptom, including: press the eyes with warm water compresses to relax and get the necessary hydration, massage the lower eyelid in circular motions for 30 seconds when tremor occurs to improve eye circulation and stimulate the muscles , when tremor occurs, close your eyes by joining them on your face and then relax. Eye After 10 seconds, repeat the exercise 3 times.

Lack of sleep

Exposed to people suffering from the problem of insomnia or lack of sleep and from time to time Chnjha snap his eyes, so it is necessary to resort to specialists to solve this problem in order to avoid chills.

Tension and stress

When exposed to a great deal of stress and fatigue, the eye is exposed to annoying jerking, so it is important that we wish to practice relaxing yoga and breathing exercises to achieve the required relaxation.

Harmful diet

The lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body consequently leads to a diet devoid of basic elements useful to the eye of a jerk, so it is necessary to follow a good diet that provides the body with all the necessary elements.

Excessive caffeine

When you consume an excessive amount of caffeine, your eyelids start to twitch, so it’s important to cut down on coffee, tea, and all caffeinated drinks to get rid of the tremor.


Allergies cause eye irritation and even twitching of the eyelids, so you need to apply the eye drops until the sensation of inflammation and tremors stops.


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