
one risk weighs on the health of two out of three adolescents

[ad_1] “The sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity”, favored by imprisonment to curb the Covid-19 epidemic, “lead to an increased risk of overweight and obesity during adolescence”, explains Irène Margaritis, head of the unit Health Agency Nutritional Risk Assessment (ANSES). A young man plays at the game console Illustrative image. © …

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The infection curve in Italy slows down, deaths remain high

[ad_1] ROME Italy confirmed on Saturday that its coronavirus contagion curve was stabilizing. The country reported an additional 692 deaths related to the virus in the last day, as well as 34,767 more cases. According to data from the Ministry of Health, new victims recorded in the past 24 hours …

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The best recipe for DIY pumpkin face mask for glowing skin

[ad_1] Fall’s trendiest ingredient is also a hit in skin care, thanks to its diverse nutrient profile. “Topically, pumpkin is packed with benefits,” says Ava Shamban, MD, a California-certified cosmetic dermatologist. Contains vitamins A, C and E that moisturize, firm and protect the skin; anti-inflammatory compounds that soothe; and enzymes …

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The sleep hormone Melatonin – more than a sleep aid

[ad_1] Melatonin is a hormone produced by a part of the brain called the pineal gland. Melatonin, also known as the hormone of darkness, as our body mainly produces it when we are exposed to darkness. When the sun rises, the melatonin level drops. Melatonin killer: Aging, nighttime exposure to …

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This is why cotton earbuds should be abandoned

[ad_1] According to guidelines issued by the American Academy of Otolaryngology and the Foundation for Head and Neck Surgery, experts advise against the use of cotton-tipped earphones. For the reasons cited by d. Robert Schmirling, in Harvard Health Magazine, as follows: 1 – Not necessary The ear is self-cleaning, no …

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