
The Slovak COVID-19 vaccine is a step forward, the first antibodies have been tested on live viruses

[ad_1] Biotech firm Axon Neuroscience successfully tested the first therapeutic antibodies to live SARS-Cov-2 virus in a clinical trial. During the development of the COVIDAX vaccine against the infectious disease COVID-19, the company, according to published information, has managed to develop antibodies that can effectively prevent the multiplication of the …

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this algorithm could predict severe forms of Covid-19

[ad_1] While it is still very difficult for scientists to assess the evolution of coronavirus symptoms in patients, perhaps an algorithm could help them. Especially in the severe forms. As vaccine announcements have been chained in recent weeks, science continues to work to improve the care of coronavirus-infected patients. And …

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does nicotine protect against covid?

[ad_1] Does nicotine protect against covid? This question has animated the scientific community since the coronavirus outbreak began. L’Assistance Publique des Hospitals de Paris (AP-HP), which is conducting a new study on the subject, builds on two elements established by previous work: The rate of active smokers is “significantly lower …

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why are men more affected than women?

[ad_1] Men are more affected than women by the coronavirus epidemic. Looking at the tens of thousands of hospitalized patients since March, 53% of them are men. The proportion is even higher for deaths, 6 out of 10 are male, according to data from Public Health France. The difference is …

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SARS-CoV2 genome folding reveals drug targets

[ad_1] For the first time, an international research alliance has observed the RNA folding structures of the SARS-CoV2 genome with which the virus controls the infection process. Because these structures are very similar between the various beta corona viruses, scientists have not only laid the groundwork for the targeted development …

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