
News on Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency analysis: Premonitions and Foreboding

[ad_2][ad_1]<div _ngcontent-c14 = "" innerhtml = " As the Federal Reserve issues its warnings about a particularly large market fall, investors continue to seek certainty where no one can be found in any market. As covered by Fortuna writer Chris Morris, issues include commercial tensions, an increase in corporate debt …

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The price of the bitcoin rises after a dramatic dip

[ad_2][ad_1] The price of Bitcoin has risen again after a series of terrible performances. The value of cryptocurrency has plummeted dramatically in the last few weeks that some feared the market was stopping altogether. But the price has now increased by almost 10%, routing it for its best day from …

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Napston launches a 100% automated cryptocurrency trading platform based on the proprietary distributed technology of artificial neural networks

[ad_2][ad_1] Cryptocurrency trading is set to become secure and profitable like never before, with the recent launch of a fully automated Napston encryption platform. This revolutionary trading platform is based on a proprietary technology called Distributed Artificial Neural Networks, programmed to accurately predict the market using the processing power of …

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How many cryptocurrencies are there?

[ad_2][ad_1] There are 2,503 cryptocurrencies recognized since 21 November 2018. It seems a lot. However, if we look more closely, we can see that the market is exceptionally high. This means that there is a small number of cryptocurrencies that make up the bulk of the market. How many cryptocurrencies …

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