British businessman reselling PS5, amassing over 3,500 “speculation and speculation”, making more than 20 million in profits


Sony PlayStation 5’s next generation gaming console has been officially shipped to various places. However, due to the limited quantity, many places only have predetermined quantities and are not in stock. This resulted in the sacking of the already hard-to-find price for PS5. At the top, many free markets and auction sites have emerged many speculators. However, according to foreign media reports, a retailer in the UK actually supplied 3,500 PS5s.

According to a foreign media VGC report, UK retailer CrepChiefNotify recently advertised on Facebook with the idea of ​​”earning more than 100 pounds (about HKD $ 1,008) per sale” as a solicitation, encouraging players to register as members of its store. to resell their PS5, It is also recommended that members use “speculation and speculation” to get more profits. Eventually, the store supplied 3,500 PS5s and earned a total of 2 million pounds (around 20.18 million Hong Kong dollars) during this PS5 sale.

It is reported that CrepChiefNotify currently has thousands of paying members, and in addition to PS5, they will also purchase various trending items such as limited branded products, sports shoes, etc. Members only need to pay $ 40 (about HKD $ 310) to US $ 530 (about HKD $ 4,110) by signing up for their service, you can know which products are suitable for snap-up and reselling and thus make huge profits.

Source: CrepChiefNotify Facebook

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