Cryptocurrency based web browser Brave has announced that it will collaborate with Civic, the blockchain identity platform, on a project that will bring the verification services of the identity of this last to publishers on the Brave platform. Based on this framework, the Brave-verified editors will be able to confirm their identity using Civic technology, and thus gain secure access to their BAT (Basic Attention Token) earnings achieved through the Brave browser.
CCN recently reported that Brave recorded more than 10 million downloads, plus over 4 million monthly active users and 21,000 publishers verified by Brave. Brave & # 39; s BAT allows users to send anonymous and automated micro-payments to publishers through the browser's integrated Brave Payments system. With the new partnership, content publishers who receive BAT payments with their own Ethereum portfolios will now be able to use the KYC Civic Reusable service to verify their identity securely and affordably and to guarantee its authenticity.
Using the reusable Civic KYC framework, publishers will be able to receive BAT micro payments from brave users without having to share more data than necessary. The blockchain system provides a means for courageous publishers who must be identified with their mobile devices each time they log in to request their payments.
Speaking of the new partnership, Civic CEO and co-founder Vinny Lingham said:
"Brave is a revolutionary browser that is fighting some of the biggest challenges of Internet privacy, because Brave is experiencing an exponential growth of publishers and users, the implementation of Civic will allow more people to safely and securely use the Brave platform by establishing and sustaining trust between publishers and users.We are thrilled to partner with Brave and bring our verification services of trustworthy identity to help build a better browser with the benefits of blockchain technology "
In his own reaction, Brendan Eich, CEO and co-founder of Brave Software, said:
" Brave and the Basic attention tokens aim to directly connect users and publishers in a transparent system to ensure privacy and authenticity, without the intermediaries collecting the user data. Civic shares our values on privacy and user information protection, and we are delighted to work with them to offer reusable civil KYC, which will be key to ensuring security and privacy on our network of publishers "
. that Civic recently launched "Civic Libre", an incentive campaign designed to support the KYC reusable service and promote adoption.The promotion allows verified companies to access free identity verification services until the end of the year
Featured picture from Shutterstock
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