Blockchain Zilliqa Testnet adds Smart Contract Sharding, Mainnet program for January 31 | Crowdfund Insider


Zilliqa, a blockchain project that is on a mission to provide a scalable and corporate iteration of distributed ledger technology, announced the intelligent sharding of the contract with Testnet V3. This is the final test phase prior to the release of mainnet, an event scheduled for January 31, 2019.

Many popular blockchain iterations are too slow and require a lot of resources to meet the current demands of today's global companies. Multiple blockchain projects are working to develop scalable solutions that provide distributed ledger technology with very high transaction speeds.

Zilliqa is the genesis of a project started at the National University of Singapore. Since it was first proposed in 2015, the team, composed of researchers and academics, has completely developed the concept into a functioning technology and at the beginning of this year has published its own public testnet.

The forthcoming January release is expected to include a large-scale implementation of Scilla-Zilliqa's "design-safe intelligent contract language". There will also be the public drawing of ZEN testnet tokens.

Zilliqa states that this version includes a number of new features:

  • Milestone technical first full testnet (in the world, as far as I know) to implement the network sharding, the transaction sharding and the intelligent sharding of contracts.
  • It opens up the much more ecological and cost-effective version of Zilliqa, from mining to test audiences, where GPUs run at full load for only a small fraction of time because Proof of Work is used only to establish identity.
  • Scilla's large-scale implementation through the network, thanks to which new nodes can now also execute contracts. In the past testnet, Scilla has been implemented only on a small series of 20-40 knots for developers' tests.
  • New incentive mechanism that rewards nodes (miners) taking into account their contributions to the consent protocol, e.g. counting the number of times they have signed in the last epochs.
  • The new update protocol makes it easy and hassle-free to upgrade the nodes to the latest version.

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