Blockchain scope in interaction with social media


Human interaction has traveled a long way from letters to social media; another milestone in this journey could be blockchain technology. Blockchain is a distributed ledger that stores data with cryptographic security and is supported by immutability and self-authentication. The use of blockchain can not be limited to financial purposes only, with the capabilities it holds; it can be an excellent tool for transforming the methods of human interaction.

Deletion of third parties

Current social media platforms act as third parties for human beings to interact with compromised data security and privacy. Blockchain allows for peer-to-peer transactions or conversations, which means that the data shared on the network will be secure and private. This approach will eliminate third parties from the network, only users provided with access will be able to view the data. Job portals and personal chat applications must integrate technology as these are the platforms on which the most sensitive data is shared.

User control over data

Data entered in the chain network will only be accessible by authorized users, which means that entities will have complete control over their data and can easily restrict their access. All users in the blockchain are validated by the technology that guarantees network security. Once a user enters the data, they can share their access to multiple entities without storing the same set multiple times; this allows optimal use of storage and reduces network congestion.

Avoid data manipulation

Unchanging is a feature offered by the blockchain that limits entities to tamper with the stored information. Once the data has been stored, it can not be edited by anyone, but can be viewed by everyone on the same network in the chain. All the transactions carried out on the data are all stored in the network, injecting trust and transparency among users with data validation.

Eliminate the fake

False accounts and IDs are not only a concern for users, but also for owners of social platforms, as they require the recruitment of a workforce to identify the same and eliminate it for a better user experience. Since blockchain auto-authenticates every user before it can access the network, it will automatically delete the fake IDs and improve the user experience. Only the effective and validated presence of users on the network will increase users' trust and privacy.

Authenticity of the content

Currently, social media is flooded with piracy and causes content for the benefit of certain organizations, groups or people. Governments strive to trace the origin of such content, but fail as there is no trace of circulation, but since blockchain keeps track of all transactions it will become much easier to track down the origin.

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